Chapter 5

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Sophie woke up that morning and changed into a teal tunic. Her favorite color. Was it still her favorite color? She didn't know.

After eating a delicious breakfast, she leaped to Everglen with all her bodyguards. Sophie was surprised to see Fitz waiting for her at the entrance, where the gate used to be.

"Hi Sophie!"


"Let's go up to my room," Fitz said.

"Sure," she replied.

They walked up to Fitz's room, which was almost the same as Biana's, just painted blue instead of pink, and had a lot of hand drawn pictures.

"Wait, you draw too?"

Fitz blushed, "Well... yeah, sometimes I do it in my free time.

"Your so good at it though! Why didn't you ever tell me?"

"It's kind of my secret hobby," Fitz said, shuffling nervously.


"Anyway, back to training. Wanna do some trust exercises?"

"Yeah, sure"

Fitz entered her mind.

"You've got to tell me what you say to get into my mind," Sophie pleaded, "Pleeeeeease"

Fitz chuckled. "Maybe some other day."

(Bold is Fitz and Underlined is Sophie)

Okay, so do you want to do that 5 secrets alternating thing, like Tiergan showed us.


Okay. Do you want to go first or should I?

I'll go first. Umm... Let me think. Councillor Oralie showed me one of her Forgotten Secrets.

Really? What was it?

I'm saving that for my next one.

Okay. My turn. I don't trust Tam anymore, after the Neverseen and everything.

I know how you feel. I don't know if I can trust him either. Okay I'm not even sure if I'm supposed to be doing this, but we're Cognates right?


Okay, so Councillor Oralie and I looked at her cache, and there was a mass murder 1,000 years ago.

Woah, that's dark.

I know, anyway, there is a Forgotten Ability called the Stellarlune. According to the projection, it was a kind of combination between shadows and light. The power was super powerful, so the Council decided to murder all of them, and then forget about it.

That's even more dark.

Yeah, so then all the Stellarlune's were murdered, but I think Keefe might be one. Councillor Oralie said it might have to do with his legacy.

Oh my god! We have to tell everyone else.

Fitz, it's a Forgotten Secret for a reason.

Then why did you tell me?

Because she looked into his teal eyes you're the only person I trust.

Yeah. He looked uncomfortable. That brings me to my secret... I... Sophie I... I just can't... I still care for you.

Oh Fitz. That's so sweet, but you know how that went last time.

Fitz takes a step toward her and said "I know, but I'm willing to give it another chance"

Just then they heard the door fling open.

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