Chapter 44

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By then I had started full-on bawling. Tam handed me a tissue and everyone looked at me, sympathetic smiles dominating their features. This was the part I was dreading. The pitiful smiles and the sorrowful glances. I didn't deserve their sympathy, nor their sorrow, nor their pity. I had done terrible things in my life, and although I had a lot to be sad about, I had to continue. Hopefully, my story and my knowledge of the Neverseen could help them somehow. This was the only thought that kept me going and the only penance I could do to make up for all the evil I had inflicted on others.

I put my tissue aside and continued, "I had no choice but to make my way to the meeting spot, even though the sorrow in my heart was slowly eating me up inside. I didn't even have time to mourn him. When I reached the rendezvous point, another surprise was waiting for me. Gisela."

Keefe let out a little gasp, and I went on with my story, "In short, she told me that she had arranged for the death of my mother, Cyrah. She told me that Cyrah had promised her something, but she failed to deliver, so she was silenced before she could tell anyone what was going on. She also said that Cyrah had a debt to her. And that I was going to pay it.

"I never knew that the starstones were so important to Gisela, or why she thought I would help her, but I did know one thing. I was not going to help the murderer of the only people who actually loved me. I refused and started to walk away, but as I tried opening the door, I found that it was sealed shut so I couldn't escape. Gisela put a handkerchief to my nose and I think I passed out because I cannot recall what happened in the hours after that.

"When I finally woke up, I was in one of their hideouts. For many years, Gisela made me do the most horrible of things. I was the one who had to take Luna and Wynn. I had to shackle Tam," I turned to Tam, "I am so sorry for everything I put you through. I hope you know that I didn't mean anything mean or inconsiderate that I said to you and I hope we can still be friends."

"It's okay. I know you were forced to do it, and we can totally still be friends," Tam told me, flashing one of his rare grins.

I smiled back but frowned again when I remembered that I hadn't even gotten to the worst thing I'd done. "The worst thing that Gisela made me do, though, was to the humans. I was sent on a mission a couple of years ago. I was supposed to sprinkle some dust that Fintan had given to me in various places in the human world," I glanced at the group and I could see realization was slowly dawning upon them, "The powder started the Everblaze which killed so many humans. I wish I hadn't done it, but they didn't give me a choice. They had already hurt Prentice somehow, and they were threatening to do the same to Wylie," I looked at my half-brother, trying to hold back my tears, "I had never met you, but I still felt a connection to you, and even Prentice and even the notion of you getting hurt broke my heart."

Wylie nodded and hugged me, and I cried into his shoulder. Soon, Keefe joined us, and we all clung to each other. I never really got to know them before today, but this was feeling like family. It was a feeling that I hadn't felt since Cyrah died, and I never wanted it to go away.

After what felt like an eternity, we let go of each other, and Fitz asked me, "So, do you know what really happened to Prentice?"

"Not entirely," I started. I had heard little tidbits of information here and there, but I had never asked out of fear of what I'd find out, "I do know that the Neverseen had something to do with it, and they had a bigger motive behind it than convincing me to light the Everblaze. The only reason they had me do it was because it was highly flammable and explosive. If I hadn't got out in time, I would have died, and I guess I was dispensable to them."

Fitz nodded and Wylie looked down at his hands. "What's going to happen to them?" I blurted, "Like to Gisela and Fintan and Alvar?"

"Exile," Sophie said firmly.

Biana nodded, "There's nowhere else villains like that can go."

"And what about the Black Swan?" I questioned.

"We'll stick around until someone else's mom turns evil," Keefe smirked.

Sophie elbowed him, "We will stick around," she started, giving a pointed look to Keefe, "Smoothing over the cracks between the intelligent species. Something tells me that the Neverseen aren't the only villains around."

"But, for now, we're going to wind down and be normal teenagers," Biana said, her eyes flicking to Tam, just for a moment.

"Yeah," Tam blushed and Linh giggled softly. Fitz pulled Sophie closer to him, a wide smile breaking out on his face.

"And hopefully you can join us...?" Marella asked tentatively.

"If you let me," I answered, feeling shy.

"Of course," Linh told me and pulled us all into a group hug.

Suddenly Fitz pulled away, his face paling, "Ummmm, who's going to tell Forkle?"


So, that's Glimmer/Eleanor's backstory.

How many of you predicted that, and if you didn't predict it, how surprised were you?

We Stand United is finally coming to an end and I hope you all enjoyed the story and this chapter!!

I love you guys and thanks for making it so far into the story!

Don't forget to vote, comment, and follow (it would mean so much to me)

Happy Shadow Thoughts 😊💭

-Rsurana216 💜

P.S. Happy Pride Month!! 🏳‍🌈

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