Chapter 42

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----------------------------Sophie's Perspective------------------------------

Twenty minutes later, my group reunited with Fitz'. They were accompanied by Glimmer... weird...

The first thing I did was hug Fitz as tight as I could. He had no idea how relieved I was to see him and the others safe and unharmed for the most part, "Marella, what happened to you?" I asked, worried, she was panting hard.

"I'm fine," she wheezed, "fine."

Dex rushed over to her and put a reassuring hand on her shoulder, "We should get you to Elwin."

"Yeah," I added, "We need to get Wynn and Luna to Elwin or Stina's family too."

After a moment, Marella nodded. She and Linh took the baby alicorns and light leaped to the Healing Center.

Dex let out a relieved breath and we continued deeper into the labyrinth-like cave with Glimmer at the front. Tam also looked somewhat comforted that Linh wouldn't be there to face the potential dangers ahead.

After 10 minutes of walking, we entered a dimly lit room-like cave. The walls were bare and the air smelled musty, but the best part was that Grady was there!

He was tied up and gagged to a chair, but it didn't look like he was harmed anymore than that. The moment he looked up and saw me, his eyes lit up with fear. The others picked up on that too, and Keefe even confirmed it, "Why is he so afraid, I can feel it from here!" he said, waving his hands in front of his face.

As I tried walking closer to Grady, his eyes widened and he started thrashing in his chair, so, reluctantly, I didn't run to him and fling my arms around my father. Instead, I would find out what had him so scared.

Suddenly, Fitz produced a goblin throwing star and flung it at seemingly empty space. Just as I was about to ask him what he was doing, I heard a pained yelp.

Fitz confirmed the idea forming in my mind, "There are dwarves in here. And one elf."

Then shadows exploded around us, and I tried to duck, knowing full well that it wouldn't help me. Before the shadows could reach us, though, a shimmering forcefield glimmered around us.

I mouthed thank you to Maruca. Her face glistened with sweat, and I knew we had to act fast.

Dex do you still have your blinder? I asked him mentally.

Dex nodded, but before I could transmit the plan that was coming together in my head, I heard a shuffling noise from inside the forcefield.

I turned and saw an unfamiliar face, holding a medler to Maruca's forehead.

"Alvar," Fitz snarled, and everyone looked between Alvar and Fitz, confused.

"He managed to survive," I told them, "Changed his appearance, identity, everything."

Dex cursed under his breath, "Why didn't my cameras catch him?"

"GIVE ME ONE REASON NOT TO PULL THE TRIGGER!" Alvar yelled, making everyone realize the gravity of the situation. If Alvar did pull the trigger, we would be helpless, at the mercy of the shadows of the dwarves.

At that moment, Alvar's body jolted with electricity and he lay unconscious at our feet.

I looked around wildly, searching for who did that, and Biana rippled into visibility, "It was me," she said.

"I have a plan," Keefe interjected, "When Marella's forcefield is down, Dex, you use your blinders, Sophie, you inflict, Tam, you use your shadows to absorb their shadows, Fitz, you shield Grady and Maruca, Biana, you strike the dwarves while you're invisible, and I will use my stellarlune powers to try and reverse the invisibility thing they have. Is that okay?"

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