Chapter 28

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So... my friend dared me to write and publish 3 chapters today, and I can't say no to a dare so guess what! You get to read 3 chapters without having to worry about the cliffhangers! She made me work super hard and totally ruined my day. 

Just kidding, I had fun writing it, but if you're looking for someone to thank, thank @LivingWithMyLife for the next 3 chapters.

Happy Reading!


-------------------------------Biana's Perspective--------------------------------

"It's the Neverseen," I announced.

Fitz's eyes widened, "What should we do with Sophie," he wondered.

I didn't have the chance to answer because 3 figures in Neverseen cloaks made their way to us. They came with their hands raised and hoods down... weird. I could make out Lady Gisela flanked by Ruy and... Ruy and Keefe. I could barely believe my eyes.

"What do you want?" I asked, in the most confident voice I could manage.

"Isn't it obvious?" Lady Gisela asked, making the three of us turn towards Silveny and Greyfell. Greyfell and Silveny seemed to sense the tension, because Greyfell seemed to be holding Silveny back from trampling the three elves.

"Is Sophie okay?" Keefe whispered, reaching toward her.

Fitz stopped his hand from touching her. "Don't you dare touch her," he snarled venomously.

"Enough chit-chat. We came here to talk," Lady Gisela announced. Dex, Fitz, and I looked at each other, bewildered.

"How did you find us?" Dex asked, as always, focusing on the important problem.

"We found you when you gave yourselves away," she said.

"What is that even supposed to mean?" Fitz asked.

Lady Gisela clicked her tongue, "Let's worry about later, shall we? Now, I don't have forever so I have come to make a bargain."

A bargain? "We will never bargain with you. You... You witch," I told her. She hurt my friends, manipulated them, tortured them, and now she wanted to bargain with us? Nope. Not happening. Not in a billion years.

"At least hear me out," she demanded..

"NO!" I yelled.

Fitz clutched my hand. "We'll hear you out if you don't harm Silveny and Greyfell. Ever" he told them.

"You forget that we have Wynn and Luna. You will do whatever we say, or your little alicorn friends die," she said simply, as if she wasn't threatening the most important creatures on the planet. Keefe looked like someone slapped him. Really hard.

"Wait, the Neverseen have Wynn and Luna?" he asked.

"Yes, keep up with the program," his mom told him, "Now can we please get back to business, I have a time crunch!"

"At least tell us how you tracked us!" Dex pleaded.

Ruy smirked, "We tracked your Imparter. This little girl made a call to Elwin," he gestured to me, "How's Sophie doing by the way?"

Fitz tightened his hold on my hand. I urged myself to keep calm even though I was boiling on the inside. Lady Gisela gave Ruy a warning look. "Okay, now are you ready to hear me out?"

"One more question," Fitz said, "Do your powers still work?"

"No," Ruy said, glaring at my brother, "Don't you think I would have used them by now if I had them."

"Okay, and-" Dex started.

Lady Gisela held up her hand to silence us, "Either we negotiate, or your friend get's hurt." she said. I assumed she was talking about Wynn and Luna, until I saw her train her medler on Keefe.

"You wouldn't kill your son," I told her, "He has a legacy remember?"

"Oh, I wouldn't kill him, of course. My vision is yet to be fulfilled, but hurting him won't change the timeline if I keep him alive," she snapped.

"Okay..." Fitz said slowly, "What did you want to talk about?"

"Ah! Finally! I want to meet with your Councillors. One on one. One on twelve actually. No goblins, no bodyguards, no emissaries, just me and the Council," Lady Gisela demanded.

I had to admit, I was not expecting that. "I don't think we're the right ones to arrange that for you," I told her.

"Oh you definitely are," she told us, "Besides the Council has to comply, I have the baby alicorns." Keefe winced from under his mother's medler.

"Okay," Dex agreed, "If we arrange a meeting for you, how will we tell you when the council will let you meet them?"

"How could I forget? Tell them that I will meet them the day after tomorrow at 3:00 PM."

I was about to say that they might not be available at that time, but remembered. Lady Gisela had the biggest bargaining chip in the Lost Cities. "Okay, now how about you leave?" I told her. I've had enough of her for a lifetime.

She looked up at me, face almost... frantic? I guessed. Then it turned back to her usual facade making me question whether I'd imagined it. "No, no, uh, I have one more thing." Lady Gisela announced. Ruy looked up at her, as if this wasn't part of the plan.

"What is it?" Fitz growled, glancing at Sophie. No doubt he was wishing for her to wake up. I found myself making the same wish.

"I, I also need some gnomes to work for us," she said, not meeting Ruy's eyes. Ruy looked over at the two alicorns and his face relaxed as if he had realized something. Suspicious, I turned toward the alicorns. I saw something so horrible I almost couldn't say it. I saw three or four dwarves strapping Silveny and Greyfell into black harnesses. Cursing at myself for not noticing earlier, I turned to Dex and Fitz.

"Guys," I told them, "The alicorns, they're taking them."

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