Chapter 24

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Congratulations on making it this far! This chapter is dedicated to all my readers who actually took the time to read We Stand United. 5K reads and 200 votes! That's more than I ever hoped for and anticipated. *Reaches out of your device to hug you.*

Because I have the best readers ever, I wrote this extra-long chapter with new perspectives. I love you guys so much!

Happy Reading!


------------------------------------Tam's Perspective-------------------------------------------------

Why, why, why did Biana have to go? I had finally mustered up the courage to tell her how I felt and then the Council took her away from me. And now she would be spending more and more time with Dex. I couldn't think like that. Dex and Marella obviously liked each other.

You can tell her some other time, Linh had said. I didn't know how much of that was actually true, but I decided to trust what she'd said. She's doing it for a good reason. Yeah, she totally is, but I wished that I'd have been the one to share that experience with her.

I finally willed myself to get out of bed. I wore a gray tunic, out of habit, and combed my hair, brushed my teeth, all that good stuff.

Linh was waiting for me in the dining room with a bowl of orange gloopy mush. Despite its horrible sight and pungent scent, it was pretty decent.

"A gray tunic?" she raised her eyebrows.

I smiled, "Yes, is there a problem?"

"No, none at all," she replied simply.

I shoveled the food into my mouth. In a minute's time, my bowl was clean and I put it and my spoon into the sink. Linh gave me a disapproving look. I ignored it and walked to the Leapmaster and grabbed the Foxfire crystal.

"Did you forget?" Linh asked.

"Forget what?"

"We don't have Foxfire today," she responded, "The Council is giving announcements all day, remember?"

Now that she mentioned it, I did remember. The Council was giving the Elvin public updates on "new developments." Since there were so many elves in the Lost Cities, they were dividing everyone up into 5 groups based on last names. I guess I would have to face my parents... Not looking forward to that.

------------------------------------------------Marella's Perspective---------------------------------

"Marella, come on!" Dad called.

"Coming!" I called back, I was just finishing my last braid. I pinned the Redek crest onto my cape and walked to the Leapmaster. Dad raised a leaping crystal to the and I stepped into the light with my parents. Luckily, it was one of my mother's good days today.

As I entered the Forum I looked around for my friends. I spotted a familiar figure in a gray tunic. I could see those bangs from a mile away. "Mom, Dad, can I sit with my friends?" I asked.

"Of course sweety," Dad responded. I didn't like it when he called me that.

I walked over to Tam and Linh. "Can I sit here?" I asked.

"Yeah, totally," Linh responded. Tam greeted me with his trademark scowl. The three of us waited silently as the forum filled with elves. The whispers of confusion echoed in the huge room. This was one of the moments that I was thankful to be a part of the Black Swan.

---------------------------------------Linh's Perspective----------------------------------------------

"Welcome," Councillor Emery boomed, "I'm sure you're all wondering why we called this gathering. We wanted to inform you about something that is happening in our world. After the Wildwood Colony fiasco, we decided it would be better to keep everyone in the loop."

I agreed with that. I felt really left out when Sophie, or anyone for that matter, kept stuff from me. Everyone deserved to know what happened to Wynn and Luna. "It has recently come to our attention that the two baby alicorns, Wynn and Luna, have been taken by the Neverseen," he said. He started to continue but was interrupted by the shouts of disbelief. Seriously, he thought he could drop a bombshell like that and then not expect something like this to happen.

"Calm down, calm down, there's nothing to be worried about," Councillor Alina said, attempting to comfort everyone.

"Calm down, HOW CAN WE CALM DOWN! THIS IS HORRIBLE FOR US!" a voice called.

"We know that this is a surprise to most of you, but we have taken precautions," Councillor Emery announced.

"Let's see what the council has done this time," someone said quietly, but loud enough for everyone to hear

"We have taken Silveny and Greyfell into hiding. They are now in an undisclosed location. We have put together a trustworthy team to protect the alicorns," he continued as if he hadn't heard the elf, "We also have put more goblins on patrol throughout the lost cities for your protection."

Now that he mentioned it, I had seen more goblins outside... Councillor Emery now waited for all the whispers to quiet down before continuing, "The Neverseen underestimate us. They think that our world will be shattered by this event and other events like these. No. These events only make us stronger, because when we are confronted by a problem, we face it head-on. We face it together. And we succeed. We Stand United!"

"We Stand United," a voice echoed.

"We Stand United," a few more voices repeated.

"We Stand United!" most of the voices repeated.

It had become a chant. I joined in. "WE STAND UNITED!" we shouted. We repeated it over and over again until our voices were hoarse. I was starting to believe the council. When Sophie, Biana, Fitz, Keefe, Tam, Marella, Wylie, and I worked together, anything was possible. What would happen if all of us worked together? The Neverseen would become nothing more than a whisper in our loud chorus. Just a small problem. On the other side, we would rise as one. We would be an undefeated force...

-------------------------------------Unknown Perspective-------------------------------------------

I thought my life with the Neverseen was bad... This was worse. Knowing that he was just across the hallway. Why did he get special treatment? Just because his mother was making the plan. I wouldn't even have to be here if it wasn't for my mother.

Knock. Knock. Knock. I opened the door. I saw Trix... Well, at least I assumed it was Trix because she was wearing her bead necklace. "I was asked to deliver a message. Fintan is back. Also, you need to train the boy in night vision since Alvar is on his assignment. That is all," she closed the door and I could hear her footsteps fading away as she walked away.

Trix was the closest thing I had to a friend here. We would exchange a few words here and there, but that was it. She was better than the others. They barely talked to me after what happened in Loanmore. As if it was my fault. And now I had to train him... I felt like Lady Gisela was doing this to me on purpose. I really should have listened to Tam...

I could reopen old wounds later. Right now I had a job. One that I really, really, really didn't want to do, but it was required nonetheless. The more you listen to them, the faster you'll get out of this place, I reminded myself and closed my door. I took a deep breath before opening the identical door to his room.

"Keefe," I nod to him, rearranging my features to not project my true feelings, "Time for your first lesson. Night vision."

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