Chapter 15

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sorry for not updating! Here's the rest of the sleepover!

Happy Reading!

———- Fitz's a Perspective————-

"So.... what is popcorn again?" I asked.

"Um, it comes in Costco packs of 12, and the company is pop secret." He said reading the list Sophie gave him. "Here's what it looks like," he said giving me the paper.

Sophie had projected that. I thought of that beautiful blonde girl, and her beautiful smile, and her beautiful eyes. I was getting carried away. "Okay, how do we pay for it though," I asked. Everyone around us were staring at each other. A couple girls asked if they could take a picture with me. Of course not!

"Dex is already taking care of that," Keefe informed me. I saw him go over to something that was called an ATM. He returned with thick wads of paper.

"Okay guys, we're ready to go," he announced. We walked up to this place that was apparently called Costco. We asked around for popcorn, and thankfully we found it. "Okay, now we just need to get a TV" Dex told us.

——- After they bought everything————

"Nice job getting everything!" Sophie told us. "I'm not even gonna ask how you managed to carry the TV."

"It was me and these bad boys" Keefe said, flexing his muscles.

"Okay, so I decided that we are going to watch Avengers: Infinity War!" Sophie announced.

"Is it scary?" Tam asked.

"Kinda??" Sophie seemed unsure. She put on the movie while Biana and Linh popped the popcorn.

"Oh this stuff's good!" I exclaimed.

"Okay, just don't finish it. I have to eat some too! Sophie exclaimed.

After she turned on the movie, she cuddled up against me. I put my arm around her. "Aah, this is what it feels to be in heaven!" I thought.

The movie was pretty good. Thor was definitely my favorite character. Thanos was super weird though. And evil. Like who reduces the world's population by half? The cliffhanger is terrible. "Is there a movie after this?" I asked Sophie.

"Yeah. Wanna watch it?"

"Yessss!" Tam exclaimed. I had never seen him so excited.

Biana refilled our popcorn and Sophie turned on the movie.

The room was dead silent. Well, except for the part where Keefe shouted, "Hippie Thor!"

After the movie, all of us who weren't asleep (me, Sophie, Biana, and Marella)went to the guest bedroom, and slept. I don't think I slept this well in ages.

I could feel someone shaking me. "Wha.. what?" I opened my eyes.

"Wake up sleepyhead!" I heard Biana say.

"Okay, it's morning already?" I said as I stood up and folded my blanket.

"Yeah, it's already 10! We're waiting!"

"Okay, okay, enough with the attitude. Where's Sophie?" I asked.

"Oh, she's with the others. They are downstairs. WAITING FOR A CERTAIN SOMEONE TO WAKE UP!!!"

"Okay, chill. I'll be there in 5 minutes."

"You'd better," She said and stalked off.

I went to my room and put on a simple, fitted tunic. I combed my hair, and then messed it up, and then combed it again. Then I went downstairs.

"Hey guys, sorry to keep you waiting," I apologized.

"Haha! I win! LOSERS!!" Dex exclaimed.

"We had a bet for how long you would take. I had better expectations Fitzroy," Keefe mimicked Della for the last part. It was uncanny how good he was at it.

"Oh." I said. I sat down next to Tam and Sophie. Everyone piled their plates high with custard bursts, mallowmelt, and all the other delicacies that my mom had made.

"So, are you guys excited for Foxfire to start tomorrow?" Alden asked.

"Noooo," Keefe whined, "I'm gonna be piled with homework... and detentions."

"It's okay, I'll probably be in there with you," Sophie reassured him. I told myself to chill, "She's your girlfriend." I thought to myself.

"Okay, well, I'm sure there's no reason to worry!" Alden concluded. I internally groaned. WHY DOES HE KEEP SAYING THAT!!

"Um... I think me and Sophie need to get going. She's gonna help me with some school stuff," Linh announced.

"Yeah, let me just pack up my things," Sophie told her.

"Yeah, I'll go too. Lessons with Fintan." Marella said helplessly.

"Oh my god! I have to go see Fallon!" Keefe said.

"Well, I guess it's just us," I told Dex, Tam, and Biana.

"If you guys are gonna go, then we probably should too," Tam said.

"Just saying though, this was really fun. And also, Endgame is my favorite movie," Dex said, "Peace out."

"Bye guys!" Biana said and gave Linh, Sophie, and Marella a hug.

"Thanks for having me over!" Marella told me.

"Oh, it's our pleasure!" I said to her.

I saw my friends lightleap away.

"Oh no, you're gonna give me all of the Fitzphie details!" Biana said as she cornered me.

I sighed. This was gonna be a loooong day.

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