Chapter 1

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{Authors note: The story is fiction based none of it is in used on historical figures or events.}





The loud echoing voice pierced into Kyda's eardrums.

She pulled her wrinkled bedsheets over her head in attempt to block out the soundwaves.



She groans in defeat as she sat up, to witness a sore sight of herself in her dressing table mirror from across her room, presenting a nest on her head "I'M UP!... jeez".

Like any other day, she threw the bedcovers carelessly to the side and swung her legs out of her bed and placed on her socks before shooting herself down the staircase.

She came down to be greeted by the scent of Dosa accompanied with Tomato Chutney teasing around her nose.

With this delectable aroma floating in the air, it could mean one thing.

Nani (grandma) is cooking breakfast today... better than typical toast and tea.

Kyda made her way down to the rectangle kitchen oak table, that fitted for 4 people.

But only 3 chairs were going to be filled.

Kyda stared at the empty seat where her Nana (grandfather) would have sat with his Kashmir times newspaper in his hands, that he would've got from his 5 am walk when walking past the local corner shop. His little spectacles would have been slightly hanging from the bridge of his nose. While he complained how everyone was corrupt these days.

She always had some banter with him.

He would believe she could do anything that man can do... without a question, better... if she puts her mind to it. Whenever he called his relatives, back in Pakistan, he would always brag about his granddaughter going to university and how she was going to make him and his family back home, proud.

Some of them were sceptical since they don't see the reason to why she would even need a higher education, when she could just be married off.

But others found it interesting... Like it's some sort of experiment.

Will she make it or will she not?

"Kyda, why aren't you dressed? You're going to make us late" her mother walked in while fixing her hijab.

Her mother was lashing out to her while she fixed her hijab with a decorative gold painted pin to hold its structure.

Just like any mother, holds, and maintain structure the family and household.

For those who attempt to find falter and tear down in her close kins, her mother always had a guard up.

"Why do I get the most hated Emperor? He literally ran his empire to the ground. That man was so careless...only cared for himself" Kyda's mother ranted "He could have avoided the Mughal fall if he was prepared for the war with the Marathas, if only he wasn't so egocentric". "Could have been worse... you could have got Hitler" she joked but her mother wasn't laughing. There were 2 possible outcomes when a joke goes wrong:

1)     An unnecessary lecture begins

2)      You become the joke

3)     They disregard the joke and devalue your words in the future

"This is really important to me, so please just don't".

Kyda leans back in her chair, not answering as she stared at her mother's PhD, Islamic Studies and History diploma that was framed on the wall across from her.

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