Chapter 37

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This didn't make sense.

Why was Saif the 67th Emperor?

What was Kyda missing?

And even if Saif became Emperor, wouldn't he be the 68th?

Did he marry Rayha during his lifetime?

Did he have children with her?

Kyda dark brown pupils dilated as she was struggling to process this whole new information given from Pricilla. "I don't get it... how did Saif become Emperor and why is he the 67th instead of Owais?".

Pricilla fixed her glasses not noticing the state the intern was in "We should get back to work" she stood up and attempted to pick of a mountain pile of different shades of paper that needed to be put in the archives. Kyda shot up and followed her like a puppy following her owner, desperate for answer. "Pricilla just explain all of this to me... I mean like... h how did it come to this?" her brain seems to be going overload as her hands became clammy.

"Maybe you're getting into the history a bit too much" Pricilla laughed "I'm glad you're taking interest, but I think it's all getting to your head".

At this point, Kyda could be blowing steam out of both of her ears due to the amount of annoyance and agitation that she was receiving. More then what her body could contain. She gripped onto the side of her dad jeans to restrain her frustration to unleash.

"You don't understand... I have to know now"

Pricilla didn't even hear her plea since she was too occupied by carrying a large quantity of papers that could flood the whole reception floor.

"PRICILLA!" Kyda snapped.

Resulting the poor women to drop the papers and causing a mini tsunami on the reception floor. After the mess that Kyda accidentally caused, a wave of guilt washed over Kyda "I'm sorry".

She fell onto her knees as she began to pick out the papers for Pricilla. However, the Tesco version of Professor Trelawney looked down at Kyda in silence, watching every single movement she made.

Which didn't seem to be part of her nature.

Kyda could feel her stare as if they were laze beams being shot into her. Her body began to heat up and her muscles became stiff, as if she was being hit by laser beams that's was being projected by Miss Pricilla eyes.

Was she mad?

"You been, there haven't you?"

Kyda looked up with confusion written all over her face.

Was she missing something?

What did Pricilla mean by that?

"Been where?" Kyda began to place the neatly stacked paper on the desk as she continued to collect the rest from the floor, not trying to make eye contact with the maybe anger receptionist.

"You managed to understand nearly 2/5 of the Mughal history by just over a day. Which is of course impossible for a basic human mind" Pricilla spoke in a bold tone as she sat back in her chair. Her whole aura has changed from the sweet, naive, clumsy Pricilla to someone who was more confident and held more secret than she led on.

"Basic?" before Kyda could get another word in, Pricilla continued "Unless you had more than a day to learn the history you know now". Kyda looked up and stared at her in a stunned manner "What are you trying to say?" Pricilla lips curled up but not in a devilish way as Kyda expected.

"You been to the Mughal Empire, didn't you? You met the Emperor and changed history, didn't you?".

Kyda could only stand there and stare at Pricilla in astonishment.

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