Chapter 47

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Scarlet red and champagne transparent curtains graceful dance within the gentle gust, while attached to the open curved arches with a bird eye view of the duelling ground.

Kyda leans against her elbow on the white stone balusters balcony as she stared down at a once crowded, lively grounds of the royal court.

There was no trace of the once flooded adrenaline, excimer and the desire for glory, atmosphere.

"It's weird to see this place empty" Kyda admitted as she pushed herself off from her elbows and onto her two feet to have herself greeted by an alluring smile from the emperor. "You remember this place?" Saif leans against the pillar while his eyes held fondness. The guards who stood from a distance notice the emperor's behaviour had drastically changed, as if he was unrecognisable. Emperor Saif was smitten with Kyda like her disappearance never happened. As if Kyda was his purpose to revert back to what he was before.

Kyda nodded as she pressed the back of her hip against the concrete balusters. "How could I forget?... the cheering, the shiny swords that almost blinded me, the near-death experience" she laughed.

Saif loved the sound of her laughter, it was music to his ears... nothing could cause the amount of bliss he experiences from just the sound of her. "I genuinely thought Owais would have had your head as his trophy" Kyda admitted "I remember his eyes... they were blood-shot red" she recalled the dual between the two brothers.

Hearing Owais's name made the guards stiff at their post. They haven't heard that name within the palace walls for years. They side glanced to catch a glimpse of the emperor, to see if the expression that they all feared was on his face. But his lips went from a horizontal crescent moon to a straight line. The continuation of the name, Owais echoed through the white marble hallway.

"That very day... that duel was for him to prove himself to be omnipotent to supporters, like the notability" he took a long exhale as he placed himself in front of his star.

He still towered over her like he would have many years ago, but in Kyda case... months ago.

He slowly but agilely grazed his fingertips on the front of her waist. Soon enough, his fingers began to graze her hips backwards till his palms reached to her sides. Kyda cheeks flared up as her mouth was superglued shut.

What could she say in this situation?

Should she say something in the situation?

Her breath hitched as he picks her up, as if she was weightless and seated her down on the balcony surface, trapping her with both of his well-kept muscular arms on each of her side. Granting her a moment of a close examination of the additional features he had gained over the years when she was away.

"It was a very important day for him... and I behaved carelessly, seeing everything as a game. When really I just caused even more hurdles and problems for my own brother and people".

He hung his head low; he was ashamed how irresponsible and negligent he was with his actions.

Kyda never witness him so despondent. She had caught a glimpse of his true emotional and mental state, hidden under his jovial mask.

"Saif?" She called out his name in a tender tone. But the only response, she was able to receive from him was his slumish body against hers with his chin placed on top of her shoulder.

She hitched her breath as she felt pressure on her shoulder. His musk filled her nostrils with jasmine, amber and oud.

Her taut body began to unwind as her hand delicately fell onto his shoulder blades.

She had no clue of what she was doing was allowed. On the contrary, she was desperate and in need for human comfort.

She did not push away.

However, their tranquil moment had to end abruptly by a sudden but intentional cough from behind.

Kyda instantly pulled away as it nothing was happening between her and Saif.

The last thing she wanted to do is to embarrass or get him into trouble. But as she sneaks a peek of his expression, there was displeasure.

In front of them was the same archer lady. Kyda rolled her eyes before turning her head to the side, not wanting to even look at her. She brought nothing but trouble for Kyda.

"What is it, Komal?" Saif crosses his arms as he leans against the marble balcony staring at the sea, an attempt to hide his flustered complexion. He wasn't in the mood to speak with anyone, expect for his star.

But that was the lady's name...

Komal... meaning of beautiful.

She lives up to the name.

Kyda was scanning her from head to toe hoping to find some sort of flaw but as an ending result, she just made herself feel more self-conscious. However, she did have a blackeye that wasn't there earlier.

"The prisoner we have is becoming restless" she was straightforward. Saif finally faced her to command her to leave but noticed her blackeye. He stood up straight as she now received his full attention, instead of Kyda.

"Did they do that to you?"

Kyda noted how his demeanour changed. He was suddenly protective over Komal like he was with her. Kyda can't help but to be eaten up by Komal previous words.

"You know his majesty is more into the wild type"

Kyda quietly watched Saif go up to Komal and he repeated his words "Did a prisoner do that to you?". He raised his hand slight to push a strand of her hair away to gain a closer examination of her eye.

But not onto her skin.

She shyly looked away as she answered a "Yes"

"You know... the ones who go all the way with him"

"Who?" he asked sternly. Komal glanced at Kyda as he asked the question. Kyda clenched her fist, and the veins in her hand became visible as she cut circulation to her fingers. The jealously was engulfing her and deteriorating her confidence.

She was his one and only, Alula.

"It was the new prisoner from the sea today" Komal answer made Kyda snap out of her vision of greed.

"Prisoner from the sea?" Kyda whispered to herself as the realisation came flooding in.

"He will be punished" the young male emperor announced.

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