Chapter 52

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The sky was pitch black.

No stars lit over Saif palace anymore.

His star was no longer present.

Kyda slips through the gap between the tall stones wall and the pillars of the metal gates.

Large enough for her barely slip by, but small enough to halt the large and armoured guards that were patrolling the area.

With only a few scratches on her arms, hands, and cheeks from the sharp stone edges of the wall, she made it unscathed. Kyda ran ahead on before the guards on the high walls could spot her at an eagle view. She dashed through the soulless stoned streets as the high block building and darkness engulfed her from possible witnesses.

Her lungs were collapsing in, her throat was sore as she became teary eyed, but her feet carried her till the glowing lit flamed entrance of the kingdom was in the vision. Kyda forced her feet not to go another step, resulting her to almost tumbling over as if she was a tumbleweed. The guards were inspecting goers and comers' papers, their cargo and their transportation.

Kyda cursed under her breath as she blended into the shadow, assessing various of potential get-aways.

Her feet were glued onto the dusty concrete as she observed the guards investigating a goer's cart. They weren't through with their inspection. They tossed off the sheets that was covering the content of cart, planks of wood and bags of sand.

The inspector looked forwards and nodded his approval to guard at controls of the gate.

The same guard bellowed "OPEN THE GATES!".

The three men span the wheel of the gates, rotating the cogs and opening the gates for them to leave.

Kyda ran her fingers through the strands of her hair as her inner voice speeds through the streams of her brain like race cars. From the corner of her eye, she noticed A large family with a donkey pulling the court filled with crates of vegetables.

A father

A mother

Three daughters

And a young boy

Kyda began to examine their characteristics. The father held his head high as he counted his cargo meticulously. The mother, covered from head to toe with a burka, was caring for the young boy by the well, wiping the water over his face as the two eldest daughters, with scars over their heads, drunk the source of the water from their hands.

But isolated from the family seems to be the youngest daughter but it looks like she had a year over her brother. With her scarf just barely clinging onto her scalp as she kicks the stones that she comes across. Her cheeks were rhubarb red as her baby hairs were escaping from her plaids.

"ALIZA, Idhar aao" (translation: Aliza, come here)

Her father commanded but doesn't bother to grant her a glance. His eyes were only for his produce. However, that little girl refuted his wishes and went further away. Kyda could tell she is in some sort of disagreement with her family.

She couldn't tell from the distance but she could tell the young girl was headstrong, just like her father.

The young girl went towards the shadows where Kyda was.

Maybe to hide away

Maybe to make her family worried

Worried enough to take action is to find her.

In a way she just desired a little attention, all she needed was for them to spare a moment of her being in their sight.

As soon as the darknesses engulfed the little girls frame, she had discovered Kyda leaning against the wall.

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