Chapter 8

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Why is the cold hearted 67th hearted Emperor here?

Kyda managed to say with the little oxygen she had in her body.

Her vision was blurry.

The crowd of watchers splitted to clear pathway for Owais and his men to come forward. But not just Owais, Saif was by his side. Without a moment to spare, Saif had ran to Kyda and Amita "What happened?" he whispered tenderly to Kyda but all she did was cry into Amita shoulders as she attempted to gain her vision back. Amita also tears up as she faced Saif "It was all just a misunderstanding" she managed to say before glancing at the guard. Saif followed her eyes and landed on the culprit and raised himself from the ground. "You did this to her?" His topaz eye was no longer illuminating, they darkened.

The guard automatically fell to his knees "Please, please, forgive me I did not know she was associated to you". "HOW DARE YOU LAY A FINGER ON THE SPECIAL ROYAL GUEST! YOU SHALL PAY FOR YOUR MISTAKE BY DEATH!!!" he pulled out a gold sharpened dagger from his utility belt. It had a lion head sculpted into its handle with the ruby eyes.

He was ready to smite the culprit.

But at the heir mercy, Owais placed his hand on his shoulder to calm him and to bring Saif back to his senses. Kyda managed to get back her vision and witnessed the whole chaos unravelling before her.

This was a whole another side she has never seen before, especially from him.

He seems like the type of person who wouldn't even hurt a fly but he really ready to end a man's life for her mistake?

Owais glanced at Amita and noticed a little blood stained. her lips "You're my mother handmaiden, correct? You may retire for the day. I will notify my mother, you are not well" he said bluntly to her and she responded with a nod. Owais soon faced Kyda "I thought you weren't allowed to leave the palace grounds". Kyda wiped the tears that was left on her face "I just wanted to explore... It's all my fault so don't blame, Amita" she spoke as she tried to hide the fact that she was still shaking. Owais saddled onto his white pure horse and stared down at her "Of course it's not her fault, she has worked in the palace for many years This is the first time she was in trouble... it's obviously by your influence".

Kyda was too weak to revolt, so she kept her head down.

Saif picked her up in a bridal style and faced his shocked brother from his actions "I think she been through enough, Bhai (brother)".

Kyda hid her face in his chest.

She was embarrassed of herself.

She clinged onto Saif and he noticed, resulting him to hold her closer as he began to walk back to the palace with her embedded in his arms as he did not care about the bystander watching.


Kyda was in her chambers in a new set of fresh clothes as she laid in bed.

Dr Adil performed a check up on her.

All there is was the sounds of squawking from the birds in their cage.

She was silent the whole time and so was the Dr, till she built up the courage to ask "Is Amita ok?". The Dr looked up at her and nodded yes without breathing out a word. The silent treatment made her tear up again and she cover her face with her hands in embarrassment and disgrace "You were right... I should have listened to you".

Dr Adil watched her break down in front of him. Even though they didn't have a great start, he did pity her "Rest child, you been through enough". He said as he collected his own items before heading out. "Wait" Kyda sat up from her bed and faced him "Does the Emperor know? Is he mad? Is anyone going to get into trouble because Amita doesn't-" she was interrupted by the doctor "Don't worry no one is in trouble, However, Owais doesn't take a liking to you". Kyda sighed "Has he ever?" she played her sarcastic tone. "He believes you should be held in the dungeons. Since you would less likely escape from there. But technically you haven't done anything that is against the law" the Dr stated.

Kyda looked at herself in the reflection of the mirror from across the room while she was still on the bed. "So I should stay out of Owais way" he nodded in agreement "That would be wise" he said before leaving.


Kyda was sitting on a Charpai (traditional woven bed) in the courtyard with Amita.

Amita acted like nothing happened yesterday and was distracting herself by slicing mangoes for her as well as Kyda. While Kyda was in a trans, staring at the elephant's parade around from a safe distance. "What's your thoughts on Saif?" She tried to play it cool so Amita won't get suspicious. "He very nice and kind, also quite playful" she plated the mango and placed between them two.

"I mean I know that... but from what I saw yesterday... he was like a different person" she stared into space recalling those dark lethal eyes. Amita notice Kyda was daydreaming and couldn't help but to giggle "Seem like he's not the only one who took interest" Kyda snapped herself out of her imagining state and activated her full denial mode.

"No, no, no it's not like that, not like that at all. It's like he has a different personality".

Amita took a slice of mango and nodded in agreement "To be honest that's the first time I ever seen him in some sort of frenzy" she sucked on the mango skin collecting all the juices. Kyda then took a slice and began to eat " I mean, don't get me wrong, he is nice and... charming like any prince would be, but history has been written for you guys and it doesn't include me" she said in defence as she drank water from a gold goblet. "From what I heard" from her mother knowledge "Your nation is innovating but I recall a ruthless Emperor. He called for unnecessary wars, ignored the poor and skinned his own people alive if they go against his word. The man was blood thirsty and yet narcissistic. And his wife fuelled his rage" she sighed and leans against the long cylinder handmade cushions.

"But I don't know if he already reigned or not-... Amita are you listening?" she noticed Amita had her attention elsewhere. Kyda sat up again and followed her gaze which landed on...

"What's Owais doing?"

He got off his pearly white horse while laughing with his companions, who were also well dressed from noble families but not as well dressed as Owais. As a couple of men in uniform behide them, pulled off a lifeless deer off their horses. "He would go hunting every Saturday afternoon" Amita eyes didn't leave Owais, she watched his every move. Kyda eyes travelled backwards and forwards from Owais to Amita till she understood what was happening.

She gasped in shock

"You like Owais"

She smiled brightly as she poked her playfully as Amita cheeks were red as roses. "Everyone likes Owais" Amita looked away in shyness as Kyda scoffed "Are we talking about the same guy".

The Empress made her way with her high-status entourage. Amita noticed and her smile began to fade as she stood up straight and gave the royal nod. Kyda stood up as well and noticing the cold stare she was receiving from her highness.

Her body tensed up and became torrid, but she didn't know whether it's from her glare or from the scorching heat. The Empress was right in front of Kyda; however, their eye contact was still intact. "I heard about the whole fiasco, you have made in the Bazaar, yesterday". Kyda nodded "I believe everyone has" her majesty was unamused by her response "My husband may allow this to slide. But you have tampered my son, Saif reputation".

Kyda stood there bewildered "Reputation?... are you joking?" She laughed but the Empress was shooting daggers out of her eyes, indicating this was no joke. "Not to be rude, Empress but how am I ruining Saif reputation?" she shrugged it off as if it was nothing. Unfortunately, her group of handmaidens gave her the captious look. The Queen took a step closer to her emphasising she was taller against her. "Have you no shame? Throwing yourself all over my innocent boy... giving him in to temptation" she spoke with a straight face. Kyda clenched her fist as her blood boiled within her veins "I'm doing no such thing; he was just helping".


Amita jumps by the sudden volume increase, but Kyda stood her ground "I'm doing no such thing" she spoke clearly, making sure the overbearing mother does not misunderstand what Kyda had to say.

"Good... after all you are unworthy for someone respectably and noble as Saif"

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