Chapter 48

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What are they?

Are they Friends?

Are they more than friends?

Could they be lovers?

Her mind was like static.

She was losing all signals from her surroundings. She was disconnected from reality as her environment was darkened. As if she was being sucked into a black hole.

"SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP!" Kyda cracked with her hands clenching onto her scalp as the intoxicating thoughts fizzled away. 

Her mental state is just getting worse.

After a few deep breaths, the fiery glow of the sunset has been restored light to her surroundings.

She looked up to see Komal and Saif eyes on her. She could tell by their expression that they were uncomfortable from Kyda behaviour.

"S sorry..." she tried to fix herself by unclenching her grip from the roots of her hair and tried to naturally come back to the topic. "But what do you mean by 'prisoner from the sea'?" Kyda asked as she prayed for it to not be Ali.

Unfortunately, Komal stuck up her perfect eurocentric nose as she turned her head away, refusing to answer.

The room was filled with nothing but the increasing amount of tension.

Kyda scoffed at her behaviour "He wouldn't have done that, you're lying". Komal head snapped back at Kyda "Are you calling me a liar?" her long slender legs struts towards Kyda. Saif followed closely to Komal knowing he may have to restrain her.

"Ali wouldn't do that on purpose, he must have done that by accident" Kyda was clearly antagonised "Or maybe you deserved it". If Komal had her bow and arrow, she would have taken a headshot at Kyda "Your Casanova isn't so perfect as you think". Saif was motionless for a moment Komal's comment entered onto his eardrums. 

Saif walled himself between the two women before a war could break out.

"EVERYONE LEAVE!" he instructed the guards. With one movement all the guards marched around the corner and out of their sights, delivering the privacy he desires.

Kyda looks up to Saif and held his hand with both of hers "Saif, this is Ali we're talking about ... we knew him" she entwined her fingers with his. "You know him all too well" Komal scoffed but Kyda blocked her as she continued "Saif, you knew him since he was a child". Despite that, Saif gazed down at his Alula before sighing and cupped both side her cheeks "Don't punish him, please" she whispered as she wrapped her arms around his waist tenderly "He brought me back to you".

Komal watched the two in resentment. How Kyda was shamelessly embraced the emperor, as he was congenial with her. "Kyda" he smiled softly as his thumb strokes her cheeks gently, Kyda leans into his touch.

"He needs to be punished"

After hearing that from his lips she shoved him away from her from the chest "Saif are you-". She was too stunned to speak, he was never like this before, not with her, not with anyone. "Even though it's Ali that doesn't mean it's okay for him to raise his hands on a woman" he justified his choice. Kyda scorns at him "But he wouldn't have done that on purpose... come on, Saif-".

"Are you trying to justify a women beater?" Komal spewed "Shut it, you know what I mean" Kyda argued. "Don't you dare use that tone with me, you lowlife" the archer squabbled "Make me cu-"


Saif suddenly lost his temper consequently making Kyda flitch back. He never really lost his temper before or at least to her. Kyda eyes began to sting, and her nose began to slightly burn.

Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry.

Her eyes were glossy. Komal tutted and said to herself "Typical" but it was loud enough for her to hear. Kyda looked away from the two as she can't believe the way he was acting towards her.

Was he showing his true colours?

He hates seeing her in such a vulnerable state, especially when he caused it "Kyda please..." he was clearly agitated and was struggling to hold back his frustration. "I am the emperor and what I say goes, can't you just respect that... I am no longer a Khagan (prince)" she was trembling weakly "Saif, why are you like this? You're kinda scary" She crossed her arms around herself, unconsciously comfort herself as she looks down to the floor, not daring to make eye contact.

Saif was clearly conflicted himself from unleashing his irritation out on her "What don't you get?" He began to wander towards the other side of the hallway to calm himself, but it wasn't much help.

"I was childish... I was immature" he admitted "My actions were careless, and many people undeservingly suffered the consequences" Kyda looked up to see the hunger of dominance and control within him.

"My behaviour as a Khagan was unacceptable, it cost many valuable lives like my brother" he was standing next to Komal. "Is it true?" Kyda struggled, a tear escapee from her gland "Are you massacring the people Who built your empire? Aren't their lives valuable?"


Kyda stared at him, the more she looked at him the less she recognised him. He was a completely different person, he was dark, he was empty of joy and laughter. Instead of the desire of enjoying his life with the content, it was now filled with hatred and revenge for the world who has sucked the life out of him.

He noticed the way she stared at him.

He didn't like it.

He fixes his posture "I'm sorry that was uncalled for. How about I take you to your chambers, The best one in the palace and it's very close to mine so you can come and visit often" his demeanour was like a whole another person as he took a step towards her.

Tragically for him, Kyda read 'Jekyll and Hyde'.

As he came closer, Kyda took a few steps back in distress and he noticed right away.

He was losing her.

He finally got her back after many years and now she was slipping through his fingers again.

He can't lose another loved one. She was the only light he had in his dark cage.

He was terrified to take another step, if he took another step, she would take a step further and further away.

The distance increased between them.

Even though they were across from each other it felt they were an ocean apart.

"I'm not leaving Ali in that Dungeon alone, if you're not taking him out then I'm going back in" she clenched her fist as a teardrop travelled down her cheeks leaving a trail.

Saif soft, frail nature began to melt away as he became stone cold. His body became stiff, and his muscle tightens. His blood rushed from his gut to his physiques as if he morphed into a beast. He did not like what he heard.

The last thing he needed was someone he was truly compassionates about, to go against his ruling especially in front of an audience like Komal.

Kyda fingers had become numb, and her complexion faded into a pale state, but she stood her ground. She wasn't going to leave the man who brought her back to Saif, even though it was against his own wishes. Even though he had a valid excuse to running away, Kyda puts him back in danger by the tyrant. The least she can do is fight for him when he cannot.

"You're not the only one who's matured"

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