Chapter 34

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Kyda managed to croak out of herself.

Priscilla, with her wild hair and gold framed vintage glasses, grinned "You must have been stunned being locked in here". She soothingly held both of Kyda hands and helped her out of the truck.

"Being trapped in a tight spot must have given you quite a fright" Priscilla continued "I would have gotten you out sooner, but I didn't want to damage the artifact, at least it was 20 minutes".

Kyda was still struck with befuddlement and heartbreak.

How is she back?

Moments ago, she was slipping from the grips of Prince Saif, a man that truly cherished her like no other, during the Mughal dynasty. She had been there for almost a year or possibly more.

But now she back?

In the dusty museum room, filled with all their items being deteriorated.

The same items from the palace that no longer blinded her with the shin they once's have.

"O only 20... minutes?" Kyda found it difficult to piece her words together. She looked down at herself to find herself in the same dad jeans and graphic oversized shirt she wore when she left.

Priscilla rubs her hand, believing she was in shock from being in a tight dark closet for a while "Let's sit you down and get you a drink, maybe something warm, hmmm?".

The older women began to guide Kyda away as she looked back at the chest that changed her.

What was going on?

That can't have been just a dream, if felt too real. What she felt for Saif was too real. She can't have just made it's up all in her head.

Can she?

Is she becoming crazy?

Is this the effects of being lonely? So lonely that her mind formed a fictional character out of her figment of imagination?

Priscilla sat her down at the reception desk and grab her a cup of water "It's a good thing that I came in time, since you were moving inside the chest you almost banged into the Chamakna-Ghanta Pattilu (The Glowing Bells Anklet)".

Kyda stared into space trying to recollect everything that happened to her during the Dynasty. "Do you want me to call your mum?" Priscilla asked, she didn't want to cross any personal boundaries of Kyda's and assumed she wanted to be comforted by her mother at this given time. Kyda hitched her breath realising she hasn't seen her mother for a very long time and nodded yes to check if anything has changed by her actions.

Kyda didn't leave her mother on good terms and wants to make up for it.

Priscilla ran off to fetch her mother while Kyda began think of what she experienced.

Was it all fictitious?


It was dark



Proper British weather.

Kyda laid in her once familiar unkept bed with multi plushie and pillows, that were carelessly misplaced. She was staring at her full white bland ceiling with nothing to inspire her dreams, aspiration or give her the sense of euphoria. All this was accompanied with heavy rain hinting her rectangle glass window, producing a synchronised pattered sound that she must admit that she missed. However, she did grow accustomed to the colourful luxury extravagant lifestyle of a royal. The intricate handcrafted labour that every item possesses in that time, compared, to her natural disaster that she called her room.

Maybe she should clean her room like her mother told her too.

But that takes effort.

Nevertheless, she can never forget the stars that she witnessed. That cannot be made up in her mind. It was too precious and gorgeous for even her mind to even form and mimic.

She laid her head towards the window to see no diamonds in the sky.

"It can't have been an illusion... I'm not going crazy" she whispered to herself serenely, it was filled with many fundamental of importance, that she wasn't even aware of.

It couldn't have been a dream.

How else would she know about the star's navigation?

Saif taught her and only him.

She never been taught about it in school.

She never googled it.

And there was never a need for her to use it.

If she wasn't aware of those facts about astronomy, then it can't have been an illusory reality made up in her mind.

Saif only gifted her with that knowledge.

A buzz came from her pocket making her slightly jolt and resulted her to sit up on her bed to pull out her phone from the back of her jeans pocket.

She forgot about even owning a phone.

It's been months since her phone died out, back in the palace.

She opens her phone to an artificial light shining onto her face causing her eyes to flutter by the man-made beam of light causing her reduces the brightness of her phone screen.

She received a text.

She missed the bird messengers that she watched in the room too cages along with the exotic birds.

From Jessica (from class):

Hey, have u done the assignment for next week? I'm having trouble explaining the prefrontal cortex :(

Kyda groans in despair as she flopped back on her bed in defeat.

Not only she just lost, possible the most tender, diligent, caring, charismatic man that she ever met but she had an assignment that's due in next week, that she hasn't even started.

She heard the door open from downstairs with the following of semi shouting "Mei ghar par hoon" (translations: I'm home). Kyda leaps off the bed without a moment to breathe.

She dashed through the doors before bolting down the stairs at the speed of lighting.

With the wind through her hair like she was riding on Shahzor in Saif embrace.

She swung herself around the stair barristers and used her full force to run into the kitchen to hug the newcomer.


Kyda wrapped her arms tightly around her not wanting her to turn into dust like she had possibly done to the young Prince, back into the desert. Her Nana ogled at Kyda mother in pure confusion as she embraced her granddaughter "Tum nay kya kiya hai? (translation: what have you done?)" Kyda grandmother interrogated her mother.

Kyda mother placed her hands up "Mujhe nahi pats" (translation: I don't know) her mother recalled Kyda hugging her earlier at the museum.

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