Chapter 53

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Aisha translates to life

Such a beautiful name 

Only one could hope to have their eyes lay on the same name on the pages of history, instead of the constant deaths and mistakes caused by others.

With good fortunes, Aisha revealed that the unfortunate Empress, Amita was led away by Dr Adil.

All she knew was they were babbling about a village where Dr Adil favourite medicine cabinet was sourced. With the courage that Aisha was delivered by Kyda and her own daughter Aliza. She personally gave Kyda the family camel and reported to her husband for it to be stolen.

Kyda knew very well to head to the West coast like Ali said. The camel continuously trotting on the sand till nightfall where Kyda only source of warmth was a shawl that was packed in the camel sack. Along with a flask of water to share between herself and the camel, a compass that guided her west and 3 and a half rotis wrapped around a cloth to prevent it from going stale.

The travel and constance rationing continued for 3 sunrises. Kyda grew desperate as her camel grew weaker. The journey went from the camel carrying her to herself dragging the camel.

The sun rays burn her pigmented skin, droplets of sweat raced each other down her face and her legs were morphing into jelly.

Aisha mentioned the village that was infested with black magic used to be prosperous for fishing and salt.

Now no one dare to lay their sight on it.

Once she witnesses the glimmering village of water, that's when she would know she had arrived to her destination.

One foot came in front of the other and her feet continued that way hours.

The grains of sand were whispered by the little to no breeze and landed against her body. Her throat was parched and sore.

Lastly, her hope was to have her eyes to lay on the bank of water by the village, she was tracking down. She noticed a one-story stoned hut from a distance with a mixture of grass and sand surrounding around it. Kyda began to come closer upon further inspection, her eyes wandered the unkept shelter made from worn out storm and a pile of rotten wood as its roof.


Kyda announced her arrival to any possible tenants. But Kyda cannot find a living soul present. She frailly tugged on her camel reins towards their new home for the night. She pushed the poor-quality cloth that hung at the entrance to reveal not much but two decrepit stools, dusty concrete floors with a detonated filthy rug in the centre, a clutter of wooden crates in the corner and unexpectedly a clean set of empty pot and pans by a pit where a fire would be ignited with large wooden sticks beside it. "This would do for the night" she said to herself before removing the additional luggage weight off the camel and placed it in the hut.

One by one she took the wrapped luggage off the animals back and onto the floor of the hut. As she was on her second to last luggage, she heard a faint whimper sound. She froze for a moment as if time had stopped, to hear the sound. But there was nothing. Maybe it was all just in her head or possibly a mirage. She continued to head back to her camel to gather what was weighing it down. As she stood by the arch of the exit a wailing cry abrupted the tranquil peace of the secluded desert. Kyda flinched by the sudden cries and turns to face the pile of crates.

That was the source of the sound.

Kyda picked up the large stick by the ashy fireplace as her choice of weapon and was cautiously travelled towards the crates. As she came closer, the clearer the view she had of the source. Through the spacing of the crates, she noticed a human figure...

"What in the world?"

She stood above it as it began to shake.

"A toddler?"

She bends down and puts her hand out "Hi... are you alone?" Not the best question to start off with. The young human being began to scream as he feared the stranger as the child's hands was transfixed around their doll made of straws. But Kyda persevered and continued to connect with the toddler "Where your mummy?".

The toddler silenced itself immediately, making Kyda was heavily relieved as the child quite themselves down and believed it was because the child sense, she means no harm. Kyda smiled gently "what's your nam-" she halted her tongue midway if her sentence as she noticed the toddler eyes wasn't laid on her but beside her.

Kyda raised an eyebrow as their attention was on to something else. She glanced at their shadow, produced by the sunset.

There were the toddlers, Kyda and a 3rd shadow behide her raising a long bar over their head ready to strike her.

With the sudden adrenaline rushing through her veins should quickly rolled to the side and dodged have their mighty blow. With the swift roll, she unfortunately laid back onto her back giving her a clear angle that she could've been slammed with a steel metal bar.


Kyda screeched in pure horror. The violent figure raises the weapon again to strike her with no intent to fail. Kyda closed her eyes and raised her arms in attempt to lessen the blow to her face, but it doesn't seem it would make a huge difference. However, the spare shadow has paused their intention to inflict harm.


Kyda opens her eyes "Y yea?" she was too petrified to process a possible murder knew her name. They dropped their weapon, making them defenceless, Kyda heard the clatter of their weapon and gained the courage to look up to see a feminine figure with their identity covered with a Keffiyeh bandana.

"W who are you?" She managed to sit herself up. The women before her stared at her, as if she was the shocked one. The young toddler ran to the women and hugged her legs while hiding his face in her black harem pants. The women snapped out of it and quickly undo her face bandana to unveil her identity.

"Time has spared you well"

Kyda's eye lids widen to a woman in her late 30s. Her hair became slightly brittle on the ends with the occasion of sliver strands, her skin was rough with scratches and bruises, but her eyes glowed with optimism.

"I finally found you" she scrambled to her feet.

"I missed you, Amita"

Amita welcomed her back with open arms and Kyda ran into her embrace as they both broke down in each other's arms. Their desperation and wailed to comfort each other were flooding out.

"I missed you too, Kyda" Amita sobbed out. They were on their knees as they didn't release each other from their grips.

Their emotional moment was soon interrupted by a loud bang of pots and pans made by the young child. The two king lost friends pulled away and faced the toddler with trails of tears staining their cheeks down to their chin. They both laughed by the child's abrupt actions as they knew they could finally find some peace after being trapped in darkness with no one to turn to.

"Look how frail you are, let me cook you some food" Amita wiped what was left of her tears and helped up Kyda, long with herself. She dusted the additional sand off lathes and went towards the child.

"Who that?" Kyda nodded towards the toddler to indicate she was talking about the child. Amita picks up the child and placed them on her hips "This is Amjed". Kyda smiled and came towards him "Sorry I scared you, I thought you were stuck in the crates". 

"Oh don't worry, he wasn't trapped. I hide him there whenever I go out, out of dangers way" Amita explained as she placed the child on the rug before starting a fire and playing a pit on top of it.

"How did you find the kid, Amita?" Kyda queried as she sat with the toddler as he played with his handcrafted straw doll. Amita paused herself from peeling the onions she had brought and watched the two before her. Kyda acknowledged there was no words being articulated from Amita's pipes and faced her with a solicitous expression. But Amita's earnest aura radiated Kyda's unsettling concerns into complete dust.

"My son, Amjed Owais Akbar"

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