Chapter 31

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The cherry red and tangerine orange flames crackled as little sparks was formed, flowing up into the starry night skies.

Resembling to golden threads.

Kyda sat crossed legged on the large silk cloth as Saif peacefully laid his head on her lap.

They both investigated the star lit sky.

Well, that's what Kyda thought.

Saif was looking up at her.

She admired his sharp-edged jawline, her long black wavy hair being blown by the cool desert breeze and her administration for the stars. Stars weren't common in her timeline. Afterall Humanity did rob the prepossessing scenery from her and the future generations yet to come. Shahzor was fast asleep on the sand, curled up by the fire. Unconsciously, Kyda winsomely began to interwind her fingertips into his luscious, fluffy, silky dark ear length hair. Saif cheeks was tinted red but that could be a mistake on Kyda part since the only source of light they had was the warm fire, Saif made. "We should do this more often. I never thought I would be happy or at peace without my phone, or with any technology in the matter of fact" Kyda stated.

Saif had no clue of what she was talking about.

But he did not brother to exhale out a single word.

This moment was perfect that he didn't want to ruin with his question about the future, her own life.

He admired all the things that Kyda would consider to be flaws.

Kyda felt his stares and grew self-conscious of herself as he was staring upwards, towards her chin.

Can he see her double chin from his angle?

Or how long her nose is?

Her face became heated from embarrassment, and it was evident in front of her compatible match.

She didn't want to make it obvious, but she was desperate cool down.

She spotted the watermelon that Saif sliced earlier with his blade.

Perfect, that would cool her down.

She leans forward to grab one for herself and returned to her first position.

She raised the slice of watermelon to her mouth and to a bite of the juicy ripe goodness.

Her tastebud was engulfed and flooded with flavour.

The more she chews, the more the taste became intense and enhances.

Saif kept watching her as she ate the large slice of watermelon within her two hands.

Kyda attempted act natural and overlooked his gaze.

In an attempt, distract herself by eating.

The sweet syrup of the watermelon hung from the corner of her lip.

Saif seated himself upwards and stared cordially at her lips that contained the natural surgery juice from the fruit. As if he was an archer aiming for his target. Kyda notice and placed her unfinished watermelon down "Want some?" She asked as she began to lean forward to reach for another slice for him, but he rushed forward towards her.

Kyda froze herself mid-way and her only view was his topez eyes.

His golden, flawless, lion like eyes.

Not so threatening...

...but protective.

Their nose was slowly grazing against each other lightly as their skin glowed in a golden like tone by the flames. Kyda body became still as she clenched her fist, afraid of any sudden movements by either herself or him. Her heart was beating rapidly as she felt it traveling up her throat, preventing her to speak out a word. Saif slowly brings up his hand and caressed her cheek.

He used his thumb to collect the droplet if the watermelon nutrient from the corner of her lips and smiled "Messy, aren't we?".

Kyda was so flustered by his actions that she couldn't even form a sentence for a cleaver, witty comeback. Saif just smirks as he grabbed the slice, Kyda had bitten into.

"Wait that one is-" Kyda halted her words as she watched him take a bite where she had bitten.

Saif faced her while smiling as he knew where she has taken a bite. He picked it up and where exactly where her lips were previously placed.

Kyda covered her cheeks, in attempt to act casually so he wouldn't notice her Ha rung a semi freak out by what's happening.

But it seems he could read her like his favourite book.

Over and over again, never getting tired of its content. As if, every time he reads this book, he discovers something new.

Something unexpected... exciting... stunning.

Kyda tried to divert her awareness to the crackling flames as she could hear her racing heartbeat that could be mistaken as large drums from Owais and Amita wedding.

Oh, wait it's gonna be their wedding night.

Why she gotta think like that?

Saif held her chin with his index finger and thumb to gain control in what she viewed. He wished for her to view him and only him.

There was no such thing as personal space in their own little perfect world. She could feel his hot breath on her face as she quietly engraved detailed his facial features into her memories. He closed his eyes and gently rubbed his nose against her. Resembling to tiny kisses the stable horses would, to their loved ones. Kyda couldn't help but to laugh softly by his behaviour "That's cute" she teased. Resulting the Saif to smile like a complete fool, like nothing else mattered in the world, expect for what Kyda thinks of him.

"You know we technically kissed" Saif wiggled his eyebrow to tease her further.

Kyda crosses her arms "I think I would know if you kissed me" Saif grins as he glanced towards their almost finished water watermelon slices, averting Kyda attention to that before facing back at him, receiving a wink.

For her truly.

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