Chapter 16

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Fresh roti

Aloo rasedar

With chana masala.

It was all on a silver platter that Kyda was carrying towards the Dr study.

She had no clue that he liked to eat.

So in conclusion, she promoted to the kitchen staff what her grandfather liked and without anymore convincing from her side and they prepared the meal. She knocked on the door of the Dr "I'm coming in" she announced to open the door to find not the Dr but...


Kyda face became stone cold "Where Dr Adil?".

The Empress of course did not answer her.

It didn't faze, Kyda stood her ground.

And waited for an answer.

However, she did become aware of another person...

...Princess Rayha

She was getting her long slender pampered fingers all over items that did not belong to her. As the Empress lounged in the old man seat.

That one seat that is only meant for him.

And now she's sitting on it.

As if she was capable as Dr Adil.

As if she earned it.

Even though Kyda and the old wise man did not get along, she does highly respect him. Especially, due to the fact that he would probably be the only person, who was putting in the most effort to bring her back home and making sure she was not meddling their own timeline.

He's done so much for her the least she can do was...

Kyda heavily taps the silver tray of food onto that his desk almost smashing the Princess's fingers. However, she pulled them away in the nick of time.

"Looking for something?" Kyda said bluntly again as she managed to master the cold icy glare which is known to be a signature look of the Empress. "I'm just browsing" the Princess acted casual as if Dr Adil's office was her own personal retail store "Hey, since you're browsing, how about you go find yourself the door" a sly smile was present on Kyda face, but the Empress seemed to have taken her comment to heart. Her royal highness, stood up from her chair and scowled at her "She is the Princess and my future daughter in law; she can do what she please". Kyda then faced her next threat "Well she ain't my Princess... where I'm from we have a thing called democracy, so don't expect yourself and the Princess to be ruling for eternity".


"Honestly would it kill you to leave a note for me?"

Kyda huffed in anguish after climbing up the concert steps to the open-space rooftop, discovering the doctor to be sitting on his favourite and self-claimed charpai. The old man was staring at the sky that transitioned into an ombre orange and light pink palette, like a grapefruit "I could have but as soon as I saw the door slightly opened and heard her majesties voice. I did not dare to even look inside; I don't have time to deal with her dilemmas when my plate is already full".

"Also, cold" Kyda indicated to the silver tray filled with her grandad's much-loved food.

She sat herself next to him and watch the sky "I don't know what to get you, but I thought I-"

She was unable to finish a sentence as she looked back up.

The Dr was no longer sitting where he sat.

He was replaced.

With her...


She was no longer on the rooftops of the palace.

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