Chapter 21

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Her breathing became heavy as bricks.

Her pupils dilated.

Her legs could give out any minute.

"Kyda, are you ok?"

Saif gently grazed his hand against her hands on her sides, not wanting to gain any unwanted attention.

He was concerned for her well-being.

Her state says it all.

"Do you need to sit down?"

The roaring sounds of applauds filled her ears.

It was done.

Amita and Owais was married.

Kyda looked up and face the new wedded couple and her soul just left her body. "I'm dead" she said to herself. Saif was taken back by her words in utter confusion. "Dead? I can assure you that's your alive and well, Kyda... that a joke you say in your time?" He laughed but she didn't join in the laughter. Instead, her complexion grew paler as she watched the new couple face each other.

"You may unveil the new Begum of the Muslim Dynasty" the Iman (Muslim priest) announced.

This was a mistake...

...This is all a mistake.

This isn't all her fault.

She needs to get out of here, all 3 of them must get out of here.

Kyda took a step forward, ready to lunge on Amita and make a quick getaway for the exit.


Someone in the crowd yelled out making all the attention on them divert to the source of the crowd.

"HOW DARE YOU INTERRUPT THIS CEREMONY!" the mother of Owais and Saif bellowed. "Forgive me, your majesty but Dr Adil fainted" Kyda can't believe what she was hearing, was it an unfortunate event or a miracle in disguise. Whatever it was her prays have been answered. Saif scanned the crowd before jumping off the stage swiftly and made his way towards the unconscious wise man "I'll carry him to his office".

Kyda sighed in relief by the distraction.

And Dr Adil will be safe in his office- oh wait...


"WAIT!" Kyda said in complete panic and all eyes were now on her.


"Ummm I'll take him" she got off the stage without allowing anyone to get a word in and rushed over to Dr Adil before Saif could get to him. The last thing she needed is for Saif to see the real bride, who is possibly still unconscious and locked in the closet. Kyda grabbed the old man shoulder, to maintain him to stand up straight and then wrapped his arm around her shoulders "Can we get this guy a-... oh wait, wheelchairs aren't invented yet" she groans to herself knowing his office is on the other side of the palace with many long extravagant hallways and stairs. Before she could drag the man, she noticed him not breathing "Dr?" She called out to him in a normal tone, but she got no response.

"H hey, old man?"

Her volume increased, capturing everyone attention. "WHAT IS IT THIS TIME?!" the Empress was obviously frustrated by the many interruptions and hurdles of the ceremony. Saif noticed Kyda shaking a little and began to make his way through the crowd, towards her.

"I... he ... He not breathing... I THINK HE'S DEAD!" Kyda tears up.

Gasps filled the room.

Saif eyes expanded from his alert senses and began to shove his way through the crowd and was now in front of Kyda. Without a second thought he swiftly picked up the Dr and found the nearest Charpai (traditional woven bed) "DO WE HAVE A DOCTOR HERE!?" Saif roared out.

"He's the only Dr here" one of the nobles answered from the crowd.

Kyda began to hyperventilate.

She believed everything bad happening to them was because of her.

She is causing all the pain and misery for the people around her.

Someone must have casted nazer (traditional word for evil eye) on them or her specifically.
She didn't know what to do.

She was helpless.

Before she could even have a chance to give up. A character bolted past her and got onto their knees as they begun to check Dr Adil vitals. The audience was in pure shock by the turn of events.

"IT'S THE BEGUM (Princess)!"

"How amazing is our future Empress"

"Wow she so smart"

"She is well educated; the ladies of this nation should follow in her steps"

"Amita?" Kyda whispered softly to herself as she was now on the other side of Dr Adil. Amita still had the vail on her face as she was examining his airways. "Rayha, what on earth are you doing?" the Empress became impatient while Owais squinted his eyes as he analysed 'his new wife' movements.

"His airways were blocked" Amita announced her analysis.

The room filled with a gasp.

The Empress eyes darken realising the voice did not belong to the Begum. Amita was too focused to save her mentor to even notice she was under suspicion. She placed her hand into the Dr mouth in attempt to pull out the object that is blocking his airways. The observer gasped yet again by her action, either in pure fascination or disgust. Kyda almost gaged at the sight. Saif hastily turned her around and pulled her close to him, having her face his chest and in his embrace.

Amita finally pulled the object out of his throat causing the old man to cough heavily as he was collecting the desired a mouth of oxygen needed for his lungs.

The people around them cheered to Amita success.

Their Princess saved a man life on her wedding day.

Amita held the starters that Dr Adil had earlier at the ceremony.

She sighed in relief.

The Empress roared in pure rage "WHO ARE YOU?!".

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