Chapter 62

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The once marvellous pristine corridors were now a ghost town. Those who shared the same breathing air with Emperor Saif had now abandoned their Empire and their king.

All there is was the sounds of running shoes slamming onto the white marble floors and the pleasant jiggling of the Chamakna-Ghanta Pattilu (the Glowing Bells Anklet). "You better not be lying to me" Kyda had enough of her little torment. "Why on earth would I lie about this? There's a boat for the final few survivors left, it's heading towards the Ottoman Empire, and we got to be on that boat before dawn" Komal glimpsed over as she continued to sprint "I don't know... this could be all part of your little scheme to have Saif to yourself" Kyda barked back. Komal heeled her steps and planted herself in her way, almost having Kyda collide with her. It had resulted Kyda to stumble but prevent the impact into Komal "Saif is nothing but an arrogant, self-centred man who needs a naive, clueless girls to appease him. Unfortunately for him, I am nowhere near some sort of low standard of guileless or a simpleton doll". Kyda could tell that Komal was still going through the 5 stages of grief from her heartbreak. After many years of Komal appeasing to Saif, she had come to a realisation that she wasted so much of her time that she cannot get back.

So why continue something that's never going to happen?

"And let's get this one thing clear" she took a step towards Kyda as her leans forward to meet her to an eye-to-eye level. "He lied to you, and he will continue to lie to you as long as you can hear" Komal spoke out of experience before continuing her route to her destination. While Kyda stayed in the same position as she hypnotised by the facts that was and will be to anyone who experience affection. "Kyda... he's down here" Komal was already down the hall with a door opened, as she pulled out a long wax candle stick and ignited the wick from a nearby flame torch on the wall. She was snapped out of her daze and hiked up her lenaga skirt and dashed down the hall before they could be spotted but the sounds, she was making with her anklet may give them away.

Kyda reached to the door and without hesitation was about to travel down the stairs, but Komal extended her arms across Kyda chest to halt her from that process. "You could be heard from the other end of the palace" Komal harshly whispered "I don't mean to it's the Pattilu (translation: anklet)" Kyda hissed back. Komal patience was becoming scarce and gripped onto Kyda top and violently yacked her towards her with their nose almost touching each other "If you're going to save him, you're going to have to be stealth, take off the anklet". Kyda wasn't threatened by her but loathed the fact she was right "What's taking you so long? Already became sentimental with your liar's gift?" Kyda shoved Komal away "Knock it off". One side of Komal's lip curved "Then ditch it and ditch him, I'm going to get Amita and the kid. The person you're looking for is down those stairs, remember get to the docks and be on that boat before dawn" she handed her the lit wax candle then pulled out tiny glass vial that contained a hybrid mixture of Lilia and periwinkle from her leather pouch that was attached to her belt. "Have them drink this" she handed it to Kyda.

Kyda took the vial out of Komal possessions and examined the concoction "what is it? Why do they have to drink this?". Komal do not try to fight the urge to roll her eyes "Don't you understand how time constraint we are?" The wax candle was already dripping. In annoyance, Kyda tongue pokes at her inner cheek to prevent herself to say anymore. "Don't burn yourself" Komal was already on her toes as she replayed her steps and recalculated her destination to the late Empress's chambers. Kyda had Komal in her sights till she took a sharp turn to the left, leaving her all alone with not much time. Her heart sank as she glanced down to the anklet, Saif had gifted her. As she bends down to one knee the bells gently tinker. Her fingers played with the pure pearls as she recalled what Saif said, he will find her as long as the bell rings. Kyda unclasped the anklet and dangled the end in front of herself, at its highest glory from what's left of the natural light shining onto it. She wasn't going to lie to herself but there was a part of her who wanted to be found by him. But she cannot be selfish now, many lives are at stake, and it was time to mature from the fictional 'happily ever after' that Saif had sworn.

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