Chapter 6

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"Am I home yet?"


This continued for 10 minutes.

Kyda banged against the inner side of the trunk/chest again "Am I home now?" she repeated for the 6th time. The Dr was at his desk as he preoccupied with reading his book as he lost interest to her method a long time ago.

"There you are"

The lid of the trunk tossed open resulting for the standing Kyda to fall out but with full force.

However, the process of falling flat onto her face like last time was interrupted as someone intervened and caught her by gripping onto the side her arms.

The Dr stumbled to his feet and gave him the royal head bow "I'm sorry for her insolence, Khagan (Prince)". Kyda looked up and her eyes met with Saif. Her body automatically tensed and was still like a statue and it seems like she forgot to breathe but all he did was stare back.

With those topaz brown eyes.

His eyes

As the lustrous sun shined into the room.

His brown eyes melted dark gold, champagne light colour.

Nothing came out of his mouth.

It was like nothing else existed.

Just them, and all they could do was just admire each other's eyes.

Moments later, they were snapped back into reality when they heard the jiggling sound of Choora's (set of bangles) coming towards them.

Kyda created distance between them.

The source was coming from Amita. She ran through the door and was out of breath. She faced up expecting to see only Kyda, to wish her farewell before she goes back home. However, she gasped when she witnessed the royal Khagan (Prince) present in the room. Which she resulted herself to be in a frenzy, before, placing her dupatta on her head and covering her face from the males "My apologies I did not know you were here, Khagan (Prince)".

Saif cleared his throat trying to compose himself.

Before facing her with a straight face trying to act natural.

"It's okay".

However, it was obviously not his character for some reason, he was struggling to hold in his laughter and his face shows it. Kyda couldn't help but smirk a little by his expression before diverting the topic.

"So, it looks like I'm gonna be here longer then intended" Kyda sighed as she faced Amita.

The Dr sighed "I am not going to lie, I have never seen anything like this before, I am a wise man-" Saif took a step closer to him sensing he was already giving up "Dr there has to be something about this? I mean isn't there anything in the books or anything in the stars? Can you talk to one of your astrology friends?". The Dr stood up as if he was just insulted "I never said I was giving up and I doubt the stars will have the answer. I think for now the best we can all do is pray" he faced Kyda "This is not the work of a human being but by someone almighty".

Saif glanced back at Kyda observing her emotions. She was clearly upset but she formed her hands into a fist "Okay that's fine as long as we keep trying... I mean we can't expect this to be right on the first try. We have to make sure I get back to the right time" she tried to hold her head high.

She still believes there was hope she just needs to work harder.

Saif gave her a weak smile "I need to go now for Jumu'ah (Fridays prays). I will check up on you later" he spoke before heading towards the doors. Kyda turn to face him "You know, you don't have to check up on me, right?". Her words stopped him on the spot again facing her with his mystical eyes "I know... I want to" giving her a reassuring smile before leaving and as soon as he left for sure.

Amita run towards her and held her hand as she began to squeal "Oh my, it looks like he takes interest to you" she giggles. Kyda cheeks flared up in a pinkish colour.

The Dr tutted at them "He's only showing interest and nothing more, don't let it go to your head". Kyda rolled her eyes "I'm not interested so don't worry about it, I'm gonna be home in a week or so".

She then faced Amita with a smile "But until then, we may as well go sightseeing since I'm in the 1700s, let's check it out". Amita was excited at this point and nodded yes "Oh yes, I must show you the bazaar it's filled with goods and treats that you must try". Unfortunately, the girl talk was interrupted yet again by the doctor as he slammed his large hollow book onto the table "NO!".

Amita was silent and kept her head down.

But Kyda did the exact opposite "Why not?". She was getting annoyed at this point "If I'm not going home, I may as well make the most out of the situation". Dr Adil began to massage his head " The Emperor himself has told us, you cannot leave the palace, whatsoever". As soon as he spoke there was a pit in her stomach. Why would the Emperor say that without her knowledge or even notify her "He knows I mean no harm... then why is he keeping me in the palace? Am I a prisoner or something?". The wise man slouched in his chair as he clearly thought about his difference of opinion before speaking them "Your words, your demeanour, your morals there dramatically different to ours and anyone outside theses walls will notice and the outcome maybe severe".


"Kyda are you sure this is a good idea? We could be in huge trouble for this" Amita was panic-stricken as the two ladies change their outfits into something unadorned, as if they didn't belong in the palace and cover their face and head with their dupatta so no one would recognise them.

They didn't want to attract any attention.

Kyda faced her as they were both talking behind a stone fence that was built naturally up to their waist. "Don't worry, I'll take the blame for it, I'll make sure nothing happens to you" she gifted her a gentle smile. They heard synchronised marching footsteps and the two tucked their heads as to guards walked past from the other side of the wall, not noticing them.

Kyda and Amita saw their chances.

To climb up the steps and jump over the wall, if Amita was right about the haystack placement, they will jump into the haystack to break their fall and go to the bazaar to explore and have fun like any female their age would.

Kyda held onto Amita hand tightly and sprinted towards the steps and swiftly climbed onto the wall.

The pair were standing they spotted a haystack, however, Kyda suddenly got cold feet. "Wow... I mean I know it's not that high to kill us, but it looks really high" she lost feelings to her legs and her heart seems like it's trying to bounce out her body. Amita faced her with her innocent smile, that Kyda was envy for "Don't worry, I promise I won't let go of your hand. We will jump on the count of three". Kyda was flabbergasted by her response, at first, she was terrified of leaving the palace but now she's all in for the daredevil stunt. It was too late to turn back now. She nodded yes and counted.


This is a good idea maybe she can learn new things and when she gets back, she can help with the museum exhibition.


But that's only if she can get home.

Wait if she dies here does this mean she wouldn't be able to get home?


Kyda screamed from the top of her lungs "NO WAIT!". But it was too late, Amita had already leapt forwards and was holding onto her hand tightly causing Kyda to be dragged down with her like some dominoes effect. The both of them, accurately landed on the haystack and miraculously escape unscathed. The two ladies sat up in the haystack and stared into space for a moment to process what just happened then suddenly...

Kyda began to laugh with Amita following "We survived" Kyda laughed out and Amita laughed as she helped her out and they both cleaned each other from the hay.

"Ok, stay very close to me, the Bazaar is very crowded, and many people do not play games, their main goal is to get money" Amita explained, and it did make sense. Kyda remembers her mother explaining how the bazaar in this Dynasty was one of the main pillars of sources for economy. Many people across the world would come to the bazaar to trade and earn a living.

It was no playground.

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