Chapter 2

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A source of light gleamed through the cracks of the heavy lid.

Kyda eyes fluttered open as light hit her eyelids.

She assessed her surroundings realising she was stuck in a rare, highly valuable chest. She lightly groans in defeat and looked down to her hands, they were red and sore from banging her bare fist on the wood. "I hate this internship" she whined to herself. Kyda leans her back against the floor of the trunk and tried to kick the lid with all her force. Not caring if she is damaging a priceless artefact.

"Did you hear that?" a voice from outside slipped in through the wood. Kyda eyes widen in shock as she lets her legs slide down.

"H hello?" hesitation was present in her voice.

"Someone is definitely in there, call the guards" the people outside began to panic, and volume of their footsteps began to decrease as they left.

"NO, NO, NO!... are you kidding me?... is anyone still out there?" Kyda was beginning to lose patience.

Today was not her day.

Going to an internship that she isn't interested in, being stuck at the reception desk doing absolutely nothing and being trapped into some old priceless artefacts that she most likely damaged.

Anger swept through her body, she began to kick and hit the only entrance out of the trunk, throwing all the power she had in her body, while screaming to be let out.


And without any warning the lid swung open, resulting Kyda to desperately fling her own body out of the chest and onto the onto the hard ground of what was outside, accompanied by some gasps from the observers. Kyda was all red in the face from embarrassment "I'm so sorry, I didn't expect anyone to be around, I didn't mean what I-" she froze in complete shock as she finally looked up at the observers. The ground she was on were no longer the dirty concrete, but instead it was marble that was accompanied with gratifying fragrance from the new surroundings. There was no longer an odour that resembled to an old folk's home. But it was now lingering with aromas of spices and fresh tropical plants and roses.

The strangers in front were dressed in high-quality silk of its finest and adorned with jewels, such as pearls and sapphires, almost blinding her as the hot bright sun that shined through the white pure arched windows. She was just gobsmacked; no words could be formed in her mouth. She was definitely not in the construction exhibit of the museum anymore.

In the group of observers, an old sliver bearded man came forward with a gold cane with a lion head for its handle. The same features from the claps of the chest she came out from.

Kyda's mouth was suddenly dry and began to crawl backwards while still facing him. She had to watch her own back...

... till her back hit a dead end.

She was freaking out

"Who are you? What gives you the right to trespass, the great Emperor Akbar the 4th, palace" The elderly man bellowed.

Kyda just sat there in astonishment with her mouth gaped, still in shock from what she was witnessing. One of the guards covered in gold armour came forward and lean towards the old man's left ear "I think she a mute, Dr" another guard took a step forward to lean into his right ear "She must have hid herself in the new trunk you requested for your office".

The senior man waved his hands to the guards away to re-establish his personal space and scanned Kyda appearance up-and-down, noticing her jeans and a graphic T-shirt along with her medium length black wavy hair. "She may be a foreigner... or possibly a spy" the elder bearded man presented her a cold glance. Kyda had enough with all these confusions. She hated being left out of some sort of loop, especially when she had no clue to what was going on.

Could this be a possible kidnapping?

She squabbled onto her feet and stared at the group before her. The guards quickly place themselves in their fighting positions with their swords and spears aimed at her, resulting her to surrender with her hands up.

"Woa, woa, woa, do I look like someone who is going to hurt you guys?... I mean look at me" she tried to justify herself.

The old man raised his hands, decorated with many gold rings, signifying the guards to place their weapons back.

He came forwards again but this time she didn't back away, in fact as soon as he came closer the more, she realised that she was taller than him, maybe because he was hunched over. "I am the Royal Dr and advisor of the Emperor. I am, the man who knows all... and you were in my medicine trunk, it has taken me many months to retrieve this furnish". Kyda allowed his words sink into her brain before facing the furniture that she came out from " This is way better than the Museum ".

"Museum?... Is that the Empire you're from, I have never heard of it" he presumed all her claims were all false statements. "No, no, no, I'm from England it's a country... by the way, you guys are kind of old-fashioned what time are you dress up as?".

The Dr eyes widened in shock like he was going to have a heart attack "Old-fashioned? How dare you... these are the finest fabric that you will probably ever witness". Kyda nodded "What a snob" she spoke underneath her breath before facing him again "Okay so what year are you guys acting out? I mean you guys seem to be pulling it off... It's so realistic, it feels like I'm actually in the time period". The Dr and the guards displayed complete utter confusion then back at her "It's the year 1784".

Kyda nodded "Well you guys are nailing the part... keep up the good work, I'm just gonna find my mum" she tried to remove herself from the situation through the nearest exit. When she took a step closer to the exit and to the those before her, one of the guards believed she was going to cause harm. He wheeled his machete towards her, but Kyda managed to swift to the side. However, he slit her arm making her gasp by the sudden affliction. She held onto her freshly wounded arm. It wasn't a deep cut more like just a slit. Nevertheless, it didn't mean, it didn't hurt.

Kyda stared at the group in shock "WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?!" she comprehended this may not be some acting event being held by the museum. The Dr raised both of his hands up, telling them to halt.As the Dr was trying to calm down the guards, Kyda with logic wasn't going to stick around.

She threw herself out of one of the large arched windows and ran like her life depended on it, since it most likely is as she applied pressure onto her lightly wounded arm.

The Dr turned around to find her gone and then faced the guards "Where did she go?".


Kyda accidentally stumbled her way onto an open courtyard. The harmful rays of sunlight reflected off the spotless white stone floors and walls, almost making her sightless.

There were many people and creatures wandering into the courtyard. Women in vibrant shalwar, churidar, dhilja, garara, and farshi, accessorised with gold necklaces, bangles, earrings, and tikkas placed precisely on their foreheads. With their dupattas are placed over their heads.

There were peacocks looking around and some of the ladies were even feeding them. Kyda was about to step forward but then a large elephant foot came in front of her, making her stumble back. However, the elephant doesn't seem to take notice of her and casually strolled across the courtyard and no one else seems to be phased by it.

Rare exotic birds and doves made themselves comfortable in their greenery present in the centre of the yard as the fountain squirted out clean water that could be mistaken as diamonds.

Could it be a Mirage?

Can something so pure and beautiful exist in this earth?

"Am I dead?" Kyda questions herself.

Before she could take in the whole scenery a loud and frightening voice hits her eardrum "THERE SHE IS!". She looked up at the source of the sound and it was the guards on the balcony. Without sparing another moment, she sprinted across the courtyard making the women scream in terror and hid their faces with their dupattas as the guards entered. The animals that were present began chaotic and an elephant almost stamped on the chasers.

Kyda made it safely across, but she did not stop running. She feared if she

stopped then a spear will appear in her back.

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