Chapter 43

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The ship was gently rocking side to side.

The boisterous crew were no longer in ear range and the only thing that was illuminating the deck was wax candle sticks and oil lamps with stained colour glass to keep the flame contained.

The oil lamps lighted the place with the colour of ruby red, emerald green and amethyst purple.

Ali stared back at Kyda in silence.

Her question floated in the salty air but remained unanswered.

She could tell by Ali posture; he was struggling to find the right words.

Kyda hesitation began to sink in, did she really want to know the answer?

Ali returned himself, in front of Kyda as he stared at the star lit sky. Kyda followed his sight and her eyes also landed on the beautiful night sky. How her memories could never truly capture the views vivid beauty. Ali slowly rotated his head to admire her as she stared into the night "You had no idea how grateful I am to see you again".

Kyda redirected her eyes to face him "Kyda" her name was as light as a feather on his tongue.

"Yes?" she indicated for him to continue.

He placed his now bigger, rough from labour hands on to hers.

"Everyone believes your dead"

His words hit her like lightning, her world crumbled apart in front of her. "E ... everyone?" she was frantic for conformation. Ali held her one hand with both of his to regain warmth to her now pale skin. "B but... But I'm here... I'm right here... Saif... Dr Adil, Ami... Amita" she was breaking down in front of the young lad.

Ali didn't spare a second and wrapped his built arms around her to comfort her. She hid her face in the crook of his neck as she inhaled his sandalwood scent. He decided to tell her everything he knows all at once, instead of wounding her from time to time. "The Khagan (prince), I mean Emperor Saif was searching for you for almost a week without returning to the palace like his late brother has commanded" Ali recalls.

"Late brother? You mean Owais?" Kyda looked up while she was still between his arms. "Owais called him back because Saif would have to lead the upcoming battle but since he was too busy looking for you in the desert. That Owais had no choice but to take his place... he never returned" Ali recalled.

She was the reason Owais died. If she didn't disappear and returned with Saif without any conflict, then Saif would have gone back home and performed his duties.

Saif was clearly the better swordsmen then his older brother. He would have more likely to survive and make it home.

And poor Amita, she finally gets to be with the man she loves, just to have him be taken away due to Kyda careless actions.

"Ever since Emperor Akbar passed away things have deteriorated slowly... and here we are?" Ali stated. Kyda looked up from the steel plate and to face him "Emperor Akbar?" She reacted to herself and Ali nodded "Yes, Emperor Akbar... Dr Adil tried everything to save him from his illness. We can only hope the late Emperor has a place in paradise".

Kyda nodded no to his words "It wasn't an illness" she remembered what Pricilla told her "Dr Adil couldn't cure him because it wasn't an illness... he was poisoned".

Ali furrowed his eyebrows "Food poisoning?" but she responded with a nodded no "If it was food poisoning, he wouldn't be dead. Dr Adil and Amita weren't able to cure him because they had the wrong materials and books, if they know what it truly was at an early stage then there would be a greater chance of saving Emperor Akbar".

Ali leans back on his hands as he stared at her in pure shock "That's quite a statement to make".

"It's been proven... I mean in my timeline. Scientists has proven it" Kyda stated but this made Ali do a double take "Your timeline?... you went back home, why are you back here?".

Kyda didn't want to answer that question, the last thing she needs is for everyone in this timeline to know how useless she is and not even her mother wants her. "Enough about me... why are you on a ship, instead of the stables?" she began to question him.

Ali placed her feet on the floor, and he placed both of his elbows on his knee leaning forward. Kyda kept her legs crossed braced herself, knowing it's going to be more troublesome information coming her way.

"This ship is filled of refugees" Ali confirmed "So you're taking them to Saif Empire?" Kyda eyes lit, she going to see Saif again.

But Ali just nodded no "They're from Saif Empire... they are running away for safety. I'm technically a refugee but I... I had to mainily leave since ther Emperor wants my head for speaking the truth to him". Kyda began to piece the pieces together, this wasn't the Saif she knew "They're running away from him" she answered herself as she sighed in despair with her face in her hands.

Ali gently strokes her hair back, that was forming a curtain around her face, creating a barrier between her and the outer cruel world.


"This is all my fault, Ali"

"No it's not-"

"I disappeared, letting everyone think I'm dead but really I was safe back at home. Saif was more worried about me then his people and they suffered because my careless actions."

Ali didn't interrupt.

He knew she needed to unleash all the harsh thoughts against herself and her abilities, so they no longer boil and burn her from the inside. "Kyda... you should let the past go... come with me... we are heading towards Ottoman Empire.

Kyda looked up to find his face inches from hers "W what? No, I have to go back and fix this" she quickly stood up "Where are you going?" Ali stood up as he watched her walked towards the front deck "I need to talk to the captain. I need to get off this ship and head back to the Mughal Empire" Ali hurriedly trailed her "By yourself?". Kyda nodded "Yep... I would ask you, but you obviously want to start, far away from that place" she respected his choice "Do you know where the Empire even is?" Ali quizzed as he was concerned.

"Nah but I'll figure it out" she looked up to the sky and spotted the Archer, the astronomy indicates the correlation of the stars points west.

Like Saif taught her.

"You guys are heading east? ... I guess I'll have to head west" she commented. "Kyda, what your saying is just madness" Ali conflicted "He not the man you once knew". He held her hand to prevent her from moving and taking another step further to execute her plan "He's a monster... save yourself from the pain and heartbreak and move on..." he attempted to divert her from going back.

He was desperate to save her from a fatal mistake that she was committed to make. Kyda took in his pleads and began to consider, to maybe go with him to the Ottoman empire. Maybe he was right, she walks into more pain and trouble for herself.

"Where Amita?"

Ali gulped and slowly let's go of her hand.

Kyda noticed his change of body language and it didn't signify anything decent "What happened to Amita when Saif took over?".

Ali just looked down "She... disappeared" the answer resulted Kyda to take a step forward "What do you mean by disappeared?".

Ali rubs the back of his neck as he stared out into the black empty waters "Emperor Saif sent some guards to her room but as they got into her chambers, she wasn't there, she left no trace".

Kyda heart sank, and her limbs became numb "Is there a chance... "She didn't want to say it out loud "Is there a chance she could be dead?". Ali couldn't decide his next move, should he be straight forward and blunt or does he sugar coat it?

"No one knows" Ali whispered but Kyda heard it clearly.

She stood there as the salty particles in the air gave her a bitter taste.

She continued to walk away from Ali "Where are you going?".

Kyda looked back as she continued onwards.

"To get a boat, are you with me or not?"

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