Chapter 36

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Freshly polished smooth wooden chequered floors, gleaming in the night.

Limestone walls carved with arches and pillars.

And in the very centre was an old dark oak reception circular desk with a Computer set up from the early 2000s.

Oh, they even dusted the huge crystal chandelier in the middle of the grand hall.

Seems like the exhibition was gonna open soon.

Kyda sat at the reception desk as she watched security guards, delivery personnel and Mughal historian experts keep coming in and out of the exhibition that she desires to enter.

Just to have a sneak peek.

She just wanted to be the first person to witness the greatness of the people she had met, who is deemed to have a special link to her.

In a way, her other family.

But she was already on good terms with her mother she can't ruin it now.

She just needs to hold herself back for another 2 more days.

But she couldn't restrain herself to reminisce back to her days with Dr Adil, Amita and even Shahzor but especially...


"Daydreaming again?"

Kyda jumps by the sudden interference, in her own world to find Priscilla with 2 cups of coffee, steaming out of her hands. Along with it fogging up her large 80s style gold frame glasses. Kyda quickly took them out of her hands and onto the table "Wasn't that scorching hot? Aren't you burnt?".

Priscilla laughed, what she adjudges to be nonsense "It's not that bad... what got you so zoned out?" Kyda shrugged "Just curious to what's happing in the Mughal exhibit... why is there so many people coming in and out? Are we behide schedule?".

Priscilla placed herself soundlessly next to Kyda as she joined along to observe the unknown specialist entering and exiting the place "They are trying to restore the 67th Emperor portrait... the last Emperor".

The last Emperor?

Kyda heart sank she heard that. Why did the royal bloodline stop? Hasn't Kyda fixed anything for them or was it something she could not prevent. she slightly rocked back and forward to restrain her anxiety and slight panic in her body.

Wouldn't Amita and Owais have kids?

Did something happen to Amita?

Didn't she fix it?

How come their linage hasn't continued?

"How come there was no more Emperor after the 67th one?" Kyda needed to know, where did she go wrong?. The knowledgeable receptionist, Priscilla leans back in her chair and swirled her spinning chair to face Kyda "There was no Empire to rule after all the careless actions by the last Emperor".

Kyda stared into space as her heart sank further into the bowels.

She didn't understand, she didn't help at all.

Did she even change anything for the better, what was the point in being there?

How can Owais be so cruel, destructive... a complete utter monster while having such a beautiful, smart, and kind nature wife like Amita?


Is Amita being treated terrible by him?

Did she just ruined Amita life?

After all the things Amita has done for her. Served her as a royal when she clearly wasn't. she wasn't afraid of befriending Kyda, knowing she would be outcasted by her fellow workers and out of favour of the Empress at the time. She even blindly trusted in Kyda irrational, death defying scheme to marry Owais. And now there possible a chance that Kyda had just made Amita dig her own grave within her life of misery.

"After all the good things Empress Amita provided to the empire, her knowledge, her kindness... the opportunities she provided. And yet Emperor Owais is still a monster" Kyda commented. Priscilla faced Kyda, If Priscilla face was a blank slate then a question mark would have been drawn on "What does Owais Akbar have anything to do with this?".

Kyda faced her in scepticism "Come on Priscilla you know this better than I do".

But Priscilla sat there waiting for her elucidation "Owais Akbar was the 67th Emperor who ruined his Empire" Kyda stated.

Priscilla nodded no as she pushed her glasses to the bridge if her nose "Owais wasn't the 67th Emperor".

There was silence.

What did she mean Owais wasn't the 67th Emperor?

"His father was the 66th Emperor, right?" Kyda wanted to confirm, and Pricilla did with a simple nod as she drank her coffee. "Which makes the next successor the 67th Emperor... correct?" Kyda looked at Pricilla to gain a sign of confirmation "Yes that's correct" she finished her cup "Want KCF for lunch? Oh, wait let me see if it's halal for you" he pulled out her phone to google it but Kyda placed her hand onto of Pricilla screen to gain her attention.

"Pricilla, focus" desperation and signs of apprehension was present in Kyda voice and face.

"The 67th Emperor has to be Owais, he was married then straight after became Emperor after his father death shortly after his wedding".

Pricilla gasped "That reminds me, have you heard that scientist have discovered the 66th Emperor was poisoned to death?".

"PRICILLA FOCUS-... wait what?"

Kyda was mind boggled by Pricilla sudden conclusion.

"Crazy right?... the scientist was investigating the 66th Emperor corpse to make sure it's safe to bring to the museum but they managed to identify mercury in his system" Pricilla was obviously into the huge discovery but for Kyda it was making her intense.

How she dreaded the fact that the this was all done on purpose and the murder could still be in the Palace with the people she dearly cared for.

But also, the whole region of terror had begun because of this vile act.

If the Emperor hasn't passed so soon then maybe the 67th Emperor wouldn't be so destructive.

Wait was she sent there to prevent the poisoning from happening.

This was all too overwhelming.

"Pricilla... who was the 67th Emperor" Kyda begged for an answer.

"It was Owais younger brother who succeed the throne.

Kyda felt a barbwire wrapped around her neck. Do her ears deceive her? She didn't want to believe it and preyed silently in her mind, hoping it was all just misinterpreted in history itself.

She manged to croak out


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