s⃞ƙí ʍɑs⃞ƙ եհe⃞ slum⃞p go⃞d • Uber

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I was doing my nightly Uber  rounds and I just dropped off my last customer.

I got halfway home when I got a ding for a ride..I unlocked my phone and checked it to see how much it was for.

$100? Damn I'm on that shit. I accepted it and headed to the destination. It was about 25 mins out so I sparked my cone I had pre-stuffed before my lunch was over earlier.

I sprayed Ozium and my favorite perfume on myself to mask the smell of kush. I pulled up in no time and waited for them to come out, it was a small shack. I was on my phone scrolling when someone knocked on my window scaring the fuck outta me.

I grabbed my strap but ain't pull it.. I seen a dark skin dude with a few chains, a durag that was tied funny and fishing hat. I rolled my window down and asked him was he..

"Stokeley?"  I asked wondering if I had pronounced his name right. He smirked at me.

"You actually got it right. Yeah that's me. Can you let me in, it's cold out here?" I unlocked the door quickly and he got in the front seat.

"My bad, it's freezing out." Most people get in back so it threw me for a loop but whatever floats his boat. I put the car in drive and we pulled off.

"So how's your night going? I'm Mia btw." I smiled at him.

"It's pretty good, I can't complain. What about you? How's yours Mia?"

"Honestly it's going good, better now. I been driving all day, I'm pretty tired so I was heading home til your ride dinged. Seeing that $100 motivated me and gave me some energy." I laughed telling him honestly. He laughed with me showing me his smile..he low key cute hold on...that grill is nice he got in.

I observed him closer. This nigga sexy, got face tats and shit..

"Damn I'm glad I could do that, I ain't think nobody was gone come all the way out here. Thank you beautiful." Oop.

"Yeah I said it, that's why I got up front I had to be able to see your face and shit. Can't see in the back plus it's dark as fuck." He said before I could even respond. I blushed hard as fuck and handed told him to connect to Bluetooth.

He played some shit I fucked with making me bob my head. I watched the GPS as I felt eyes on me. I looked over at him...

"Yo, you smoke? It smell like kush in here."


"I ain't gone snitch, but you got some more?" He smirked at me.

" Hell yeah I do. I always keep it on me." I pulled it outta my secret hiding place and handed him a few and he smiled big as fuck.

"Yo I'm gone tip you even more for this, fuck I had a long day." I felt that shit!

"I feel you I swear I had to take two tests before I started work and got stressed the hell out. I need a drink bad." He sparked one for me and handed to me. I hit it and exhaled...

"Thank you!"

"What you in school for?"


"Oh so you finna get that bread huh? It's so much money in that shit."

"Exactly." We chopped it up for the ride and after a few minutes we're finally back to civilization. I look over at him and noticed his shirt and seen blood.

"Stokeley you're bleeding!" I pulled over and looked closely grabbing my first aid kit. I raised his shirt and seen a deep wound..

"W-what the hell? Are you not in pain?" I said shocked and freaking out.

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