x⃞🆇x⃞🆃e⃞🅽t⃞🅰c⃞🅸o⃞🅽 • Saved Me

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I was out in the country making a deal...I got my strap on me know that. Never lackin. I pulled right up to where he was standing..

"Wassup nigga." I shook up wit him.

"What's good zo? Here's your 4k."

"I told yo partner it was 6k, not 4." I looked him in his eyes confused as well.

"You got 4 in that bag, I'll give you the rest soon."

"If yeen got it all now no deal, I cut a bit off already cuz that's my nigga you work with but I need me."  I watched as he pulled his gun so I pulled mine...

"This what you want?" I asked him because I'll pull this trigger we both can die I don't care.

I seen his backup come out and pulled out my other gun aiming at them both.

"This how it is." He pulled the trigger and missed so I shot and popped him in the arm once then again knocking the gun out his hand. I was bussing running back to my car and got hit in the leg. I got in and drove off..

I was chased down the street by that fat fuck.

"Cmon bitch!" He kept ramming me from behind so I threw on breaks and he hit me from behind. I shot at him and he was doing the same. I got hit in my side and ran through the trees.

"Fuck! Fuck!" My adrenaline was pumping but I was running fast as I could...I seen a well lit up shack near by and got as far as I could, all I heard was gun shots before I passed out.


I was doing my night meditation on my yoga mat before the alarm went off on my phone. I exhaled loudly...fuck I moved out here for some peace!

I looked out my window because my infrared security line was triggered.

"Who the fúck coming up to my shít?" I grabbed my pistol and my rifle throwing it across my back.

I looked at the security camera and seen a man running full speed as if he was being chased, he looked hurt. I opened my door and went out walking towards him, I got closer and seen someone behind him shooting at him..

I fired one shot from my rifle and knocked his big ass down...

"We got us one boys!" I yelled laughing...I walked back over to the man looking at his gunshots.



I pulled the last stitch through the wound in his chest cutting off the excess. I poured more alcohol on it as he woke up and screamed to the top of his lungs.

I smiled and exhaled as sweat beaded my forehead..putting a patch over it.

"W-what the fuck!" He looked around panicking..

"Calm down mane you alright!" His blue locs were draped in his face. He was sweating up a storm. I pulled them up in a bun for him..

"This shit hurts! That fat fucker actually had aim unlike his bitch ass boss." I handed him a cold glass of ice water and sat him up to drink it. He sipped it down fast and fell back on me..

"What happened beautiful? How'd you find me?"

"You tripped my inferred security line, I seen him chasing you and noticed you were unarmed. I popped his ass with my rifle..removed both bullets and sewed you right up."

"Y-you saved me?" He looked at me then hugged me tightly..

"Thank you so much, I-I owe you my life."

"You're welcome, I was pissed honestly cuz I'm like who the fuck found my spot and ruined my yoga. I'm glad I ain't pop you without looking." I laughed and his face went straight..

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