ххх⍑ⅇn⍑⍺cⅈon• ɑցɑíղsե ʍy will pt. 2

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Previously on "this nigga is crazy as fuck"...

"You fucking kidnapped me and you think I'm gonna be your wife?" I was pissed at this point....

"Basically yeah."

"Go fuck yourself." I slapped the shit outta him because let's face it he's an asshole.

He just smirked showing his diamond grill I hadn't yet noticed. He admired my features for a minute then wrapped his hand around my neck tightly..

My breathing sped up as he stroked my cheek gently with his free hand...he choking me yet being gentle. Damn...

"Don't ever do that shit again. I will punish your ass princess so don't think just because I love you, you in the clear." I whimpered underneath his frame...

He loves me?

"Now...I have somebody making your favs tonight so do me a favor. Go upstairs, take a bath, spark that weed, sip that champagne and relax before dinner." He kissed my cheek and gave me a little push gently slapping my ass. Who told him he could touch my booty and kiss my cheek?

He doesn't seem like a bad person and I don't wanna push him to be that way.  I looked back without saying a word and did exactly what he said.

I didn't even know where I was going... I didn't wanna go roaming through this man's house. It's huge...this is a mansion.

I managed to find the bathroom after a minute, the blunt was the first thing I spotted and grabbed. I sat alongside the tub and sparked..I took a long drag and exhaled. I started the water and when it was finished I undressed and slid in..

The water was so calming...I poured some wine and gulped it down. I poured a few more glasses doing the same thing to those before I closed my eyes and relaxed.

I heard footsteps minutes later...I almost dozed off. How the hell can I sleep when I've been fucking kidnapped? What's wrong with me? Why am I so chill about this shit?

I heard music coming from downstairs but I minded my business and continued to soak.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Come innnn." The door slowly opened and there he stood. He's cute...really cute.

"I know you didn't grab a towel so I bought you your robe." He told mex

"My robe from home?" I asked, I looked and he had it in his hand..This is too much for me. He actually bought my favorite robe?

"H-how did yo-"

"I'm gonna lay it here, dinner will be ready when you're done. I got you some clothes laid out in your glam room."

"Thank you, can you show me where this glam room is? I don't like roaming around other people's houses."

"This your house too now baby but I gotchu I'll wait here til you're done." He sat on the stool near the door and the played a handheld game. I shrugged because I didn't mind...I'm plotting. Always.

I was finished so I was about to ask for my robe when he grabbed it, closed his eyes and headed over to me. He opened it as I smiled to myself, I put my arms in it and before I could do so myself he tied it.

He lifted me bridal style as water dripped from my feet along the way...the hallway was dark and I had no idea where we were going. We walked up to a closed door and he opened it kicking it with his foot gently..

 We walked up to a closed door and he opened it kicking it with his foot gently

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