յմíϲҽ աɾӏժ • ႮႶfმiႵႹfႮს PT. 4

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Y'all asked Mama J so y'all shall receive 😈🤘🏾 W E L C O M E 😘

: *・゚:*・゚: *・゚:*


It's been 4 long ass months and I haven't seen him since that sad ass day. I was gonna move outta his house but mama Camilla insisted that it's just as much mine as it is his.

She said that I 'saved him' and that whatever I wanted and needed as long as I live is mine..or whatever that means. The only thing I want is her son to get his shit together...I'm not gonna lie it's been so fucking hard without him.

June is so big now..she's the one that's really suffering through all of this. She loves her daddy and she knows he's gone..He was so helpful with Junie even if he felt like he wasn't but the shit he did is unforgivable. I can't ever be with him like that because he broke my trust one too many times.

He gets out today...and as much as I miss him I don't wanna see his face. My daughters cries snapped me outta the trance I was in..

"What's wrong baby girl? You know your daddy getting out today? The first place he's coming is here to see you..mama's gonna give y'all some alone time. Grandma Camilla will be there too, I know you miss her." His mom is a big help to me and besides I don't trust him with her alone just yet.

"G-money tell me when he's on the way please, I'm not ready to face him and neither do I want to."

"Sis you gotta fa-"

"No I don't gotta do shit. I don't owe him a damn thing, he lied to my face and betrayed my trust." He looked kinda hurt by my words..

"Look G, I'm sorry. That isn't aimed at you.. I just got a lot of shit on me. I love you, I didn't mean it." I hugged him as he hugged me back.

"I love you too sis and I'm not making excuses for him but it's better for Junie if y'all just hash it out and be cordial.

"And I have no problem with being cordial but I need time." Baby girl coo'd as she played with his chains. I kept tryna calm down..I don't know why I feel so anxious.

I'm not staying here tonight...or period. I gotta get my own shit, luckily I saved a shit ton of money he's given me since he got that 3 million dollar deal. He wouldn't let me work even before Junie..we got into this big blown up ass argument. He said a man is supposed to provide and he'd look like a bitch having all that money while I'm working my fingers to the bone.

I'm packing a bag right now so when G tells me he's on the way I can get the fuck outta dodge. I couldn't even focus! I rolled and stepped outside on my balcony..

I finally gathered myself and packed as much as I could. I'll come back and get my other shit..it's not important right now.

Camilla agreed to stay here with Juice and keep her eye on him while he's here with Junie.  That gives me a time for a few self care and mental health days, I don't really know where I'm headed but...I'm getting outta this city.

"Yo! He's on his way!" He yelled from downstairs.

"Shit!" I gathered all my shit as quickly as possible. I ran down and put my bag in the car, I thinking over if I got everything and it dawned on me I forgot my stash! Fuck! I ran back up to get it and put it in my Balenciaga bag.

I headed back inside and picked up my baby girl to tell her goodbye.

"Junie..I love you. Your daddy is on his way okay? I know you miss him and he misses you even more. Be a good girl for him and grandma okay? Mommy will see you in a few days." I kissed her as tears formed in my eyes. I've never been away from her, so this is a first.

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