хххᴛᴇɴᴛᴀᴄɪᴏɴ • ʙɾҽɑƙíղց թօíղե թե. 2

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If yeen read Part 1 quit playing and go read the shit 🌚 4155 words. Sorry it's been so long 😩💘

X e l l i e 💛

I open my eyes in an unfamiliar but familiar place. For the first time in years I'm waking up in someone else home. It hit me like a ton of bricks just now thinking about last nights events..

I don't even miss his sorry ass, I just want all my shit outta that house. Our clothes my furniture, all the important things I bought from back home.

I should probably go check on my baby, he may be up now. I haven't gotten sleep like this in forever, I was always the one taking care of him.

I stretched and made my way out the room. I checked the room we laid Cayson down in and he wasn't in there.

I heard laughter coming from the kitchen so I headed that way. I walked in to see him and Jah watching cartoons, Paw Patrol of course.

I smiled because he was actually eating all his food and he's not really a breakfast person. He was even using his fork like a big boy.

"Are you full?" Jahseh asked him.

"Yes, dank you Jahseh." Wow, my son doesn't open up to new people but he seems so comfortable right now.

"Good Morning." I smiled at them. I kissed my son's forehead and looked at Jah.

He looks so angelic in the morning light...

"Hey mama."

"Good Morning beautiful, how'd you sleep?"

"I haven't slept like that since before I had Cayson, thank you so much!"

"No problem, you deserve it. You hungry?"

"I'm starving thank you, this food looks so good." I got up to make my plate but he protested.

"I got you baby girl, sit down and relax."

"You're so sweet to me, I'm not use to this Jahseh."

"You deserve to be treated like a queen, Queen." I was blushing hard as fuck and I started to smile until my face ached.

"Don't do too much, you'll feel a lot better in a few days and even better when we go get all your stuff."

"I sure hope so, I can't wait to get my things and be finished with him and that place. It holds so many bad memories." He placed my plate in front of me, I had waffles, grits, cheese eggs, hash brows and sausage.

"This looks good, who taught you how to cook like this so I can thank them?"

"My mom."

"Bless your mama! Can I get some butter and sugar for my grits please?"

"I already put it in there." My mouth dropped. This man is def husband material honey. I dug in and was eating everything accept the sausage.

"You don't like sausage?"

"I don't eat pork. Sorry for being wasteful."

"I got chicken sausage." My eyes lit up.

"Stop lying." I straight faced him.

He went to his deep freezer and pulled them right out. He threw them in a clean skillet and turned the stove on.

"You don't have to make them."

"I gotchu lil mama."

He bought them right over to me when they were done..

"Thank you so much! Damn you spoiling me. Please stop if you can't keep it up." I joked.

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