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luldickgirl666 sent me this pic of our lord and savior young dagger dick 🤤4201 words 😈

I have a book based off this imagine go check it out under my works section on my profile it's called DISASSOCIATION🤪


I exit my car and grab my book bag, I have all my necessities in it that I'll need for the day.

I approach the gate and smile at the guard Jamie who flirts with me every time I'm here.

"Good Morning Jamie, how are you?"

"Good Morning chocolate goddess, you looking beautiful as ever. When you gonna let me take you out?"

"I'm a lesbian Jamie, did you forget?" I lied through my teeth.

"Let me turn you out."

"I'm good." I laughed as I walked through the metal detector and the female guard searched me.

I was cleared and I entered the facility. I volunteer at the Miami-Dade Mental Health Institution. I have struggled with depression and I can be extremely dissociative sometimes so I like to help others like me.

I made my morning rounds talking to everyone, listening to them cry, vent, yell or say nothing at all.

After stopping by to see a few of my people and get them in good spirits I headed to my work station. I have a few newbies joining us today so the list should be on my desk.

Hopefully they are receptive to me and what I'm about. I want everyone to know that they have a friend in me, sometimes we just need a listening ear.

I've been through a lot of shit so I'm understanding to the way others are.
The things I've gone through have made me who I am today, we are only a product of our environment.

I don't even get paid for doing this so that should say a lot. I just genuinely care.
I have training in this area of course, I'm not an idiot. I know some of these people can be...different.

I pick up the list off my desk and scanned through the names...

Talib Mitchell
Jonei Ambrośe
Ally Merilano
Jahseh Onfroy...

These sound like some very interesting individuals. I love getting new people in here, it's truly a breathe of fresh air.

"How many new people you got Anima?"
My coworker Monica asked me.

"I got 4, looks like two girls and...2 boys? The last name on the list is throwing me off bruh. I don't know if that's a boy or a girl. How many you got?"

"2 and 2 I think. I'm pretty sure it's the same with me."

"Well lets go, I'm ready for lunch let's eat first. They're probably still in the common area anyway."

We headed to lunch my favorite part of the day with my fat ass.


"Alright y'all, it's time to make your rounds. Please make sure the new people feel as welcoming as possible. Our first impression we leave on someone is always the most important." Our supervisor told us. I don't even know why we need supervision ain't like we on payroll but I digress.

My co-worker and I made our way down the hall for new "residents". Personally I don't like to use the word patients, it's degrading.

We parted ways as I visited my first round. I read the file and figured out Talib was a psychopath.

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