ххх⍑ⅇn⍑⍺cⅈon• ɑցɑíղsե ʍy will pt. 3

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Hi guys ☺️ it's been a minute updating one more imagine directly after this 🤪 sorry I been gone.

"Which one princess?"


"Baby just pick one if you eat both you gonna have a tummy ache an-"

"I want both daddy it's just a little stomach ache."

I watched him as he made me a plate of both desserts. I smiled because that's exactly what I wanted, I didn't wanna choose.

"Here with your spoiled ass, don't cry when you in pain slumped somewhere."

"So you'll be right there to rub it."

"Nope cuz I warned you." I rolled my eyes cuz we both know that's a lie. I walked to the counter and proceeded to stuff my face like I hadn't ate a full course meal.

I moaned as the cheesecake touched my tongue. He came up behind me resting his head between my shoulder and my neck.

"You fucking that shit up, slow down."

"It's soooo good." I said with a mouthful, he only chuckled. I'm not concerned with acting like a lady, I don't have to impress him he already knows me.

I finished up and attempted to wash my plate before it was gently taken away.

"I was washing that."

"I know and I don't know why, you don't gotta lift a finger for the rest of your life. Besides...we got a dish washer." He let out this weird ass laugh...

"Tahahahahahaha!" Wow.

"Why not? I can do things for myself you know, I was very independent before you."

"Don't you think I know that baby girl? Why you think I love you so much? You've worked hard enough, it's all you do. All I need you to do is be here with me and be mine, just love me. Dassit." I smiled at that...

"How am I supposed to do that? You haven't even told me about yourself. You gotta open up to me..I don't want you to keep anything from me. I wanna know everything."

"Well c'mon let's get started." He said pulling me upstairs..

We got up to my glam room and he sat me down on my plush bean bag.

I watched as he walked to the casual part of my closet as he sat there in thought. His hand was on his chin and he had the cutest expression on his face...

After searching through several rack of clothing he came back with a few pieces.

"Here baby, put this on. I'll meet you downstairs."

"Okay baby." Shit...did I really say that? He smirked and kissed my forehead skipping out the door.

I took my things to my bedroom and got dressed, I started to feel weird so I laid across the bed.


I just picked out an outfit I know will look good as fuck on her. I hope she likes it...I've bought so much shit I couldn't wait to see her in and it's one of them..

I put on some fresh shit, sprayed my YSL on, slipped on my forces, grabbed my bag and headed out my room.

I walked down the hallway to her room and noticed it was unusually quiet. I peeped in and she was laying across the bed..I couldn't tell if she was sleep or not.

When I got up on her I noticed she was up and it looked like she was in pain..I was frantic.

"Baby what's wrong?" I cupped her head looking in her brown eyes.

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