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I awaken from a deep slumber as I stirred around in my sleep.

Sunlight pierces my eyes as I try to shield them with my hands but they stop halfway to my face. My vision is pretty blurry..

I feel friction on my wrist and immediately look to see what the fuck is going on.

I'm cuffed to a what appears to be a huge canopy bed surrounded by black sheer curtains.

The blinds automatically close causing me to jump in surprise.

Well that's one problem solved.

My heart starts to thump as I realize I'm in a unfamiliar place and restricted. I look down and I'm dressed in a big ass T shirt that looked just like the 'Revenge' logo.

Impressive taste in clothing but this shit is creepy nonetheless. I have on black lace underwear that I know I don't own....what the fuck?

There isn't any sunlight in here anymore so it's even harder for me to see now.

I hear footsteps coming toward me and my heart beat speeds up even faster. I see a figure walk into the room, they approach my side of the bed holding something.

Prolly the shit they gonna use to torture me. Great, I'm gonna die unmarried, no kids with a bunch of debt. Fuck I'm gonna be a burden on my family...

They pull the curtains back on each side scaring me every time they did so. Shit here they come...

"Good morning beautiful. Damn you wake up looking good enough to eat."
He sat beside me, sat the tray directly over my legs and smiled.

W-what the fuck...J-Jahseh? Is this a dream? Gotta be.

"I-w-this is too much for me to process." The things round me started to spin and everything went black....

"Baby? Baby girl?!" I opened my eyes and I was in his arms.

"W-where am I?" I questioned.

"Your new home." My eyes widened and I hopped up.

"You again? Normally I would freak out and fan girl cuz I fuckin love you but how the fuck did I get here?"

"I bought you here, you aren't the only one that's a fan.."

"Fan of who?"

"That owl who." His gaze was fixed on me.

"Why me? I'm nobody." He was making me nervous so I looked down and played with my fingers.

He lifted my chin making me look at him..

"Don't say that. You are somebody, somebody important. I've been watching you for a while now. I see you at almost every show I have, no matter the location. You always come alone, you smoke your blunts, rock out to the music and leave. I always get so captivated by you and how you stand out in a crowd."

"I'm a big fan, since day one. I appreciate good music and real artist that's all."

"We both know it's deeper than that. I wanna know why you never stay to see me backstage since you're such a big fan."

You were the quiet type, more reserved. You could never be all over his dick like other girls. You didn't talk to boys cuz they're pervs and just wanna fuck.

"I-It makes me anxious, I don't wanna look like a dumb ass or weirdo. I'll prolly be so nervous I can't speak so I'll end up just staring at you."

"I'm just like you baby girl, don't be nervous."

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