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I woke up from a drunken night and my vision was still blurry. I seen my best friend Jahseh next to me butt ass naked snoring with his mouth open.

I know what your thinking... best friends don't fuck but our situation is... complicated.

I looked at the clock and it was 9:15, fuck!

"Jah wake up, Aaron is gonna be here in 15 minutes get dressed and get out! I gotta change these sheets." I stood up and my head started pounding..

"Ahhhhhh shit." I said with my hands on my head.

"That's what you get for waking me up. Amber when are you just gonna tell him about us. I'm sick of being your side nigga, I look and fuck you way better than him stop caring about his fuck ass feelings."

"It's not that easy okay!"

"Like hell it isn't. I'm being serious, drop his lame ass. You belong to me every inch of your body does, you ain't his."

"Well if that's the case why I gotta break up with him?"

"Cuz I'm tired of sharing what's mine. I'm fucking in love with you Amber, you've been my best friend since we were 10 years old, we almost 25. We've been inseparable since we met at summer camp and I've loved you ever since then."

He's so sweet..what I'm doing isn't right...to either of them.

"I'm gonna tell him..I just need time."

"You've had a year of time. If you don't wanna be with me just stop playing with my feelings. I'll never love a woman how I love you but I can't keep sneaking around. I fuck you in y'all's bed, how do you not feel guilty?"

I started to feel bad...I have to tell Aaron.

"I-I do. I'm sorry I want to be with you forever not him..I'll tell him very soon."

He got up and got dressed as I changed the sheets and threw the old ones in the washer.

We shared a kiss before he left and 5 minutes later Aaron pulled up.

"Hey beautiful, how was your night?"

He said sitting a bouquet of colorful flowers in front of me.

"These are beautiful! Thank you baby and my night was boring. I just watched TV and ate all night." I lied.

"Oh okay, I seen Jahseh at the stop light was he over here?"

"No, I haven't seen him in a few days." I lied again.

"Alright, whatcha cooking?"

"Breakfast for my hard working man."

He came up behind me and I felt his dick on my ass.

"I'm in the mood for something else." He said sexily.

"Sorry baby, my period is on." I just keep lying to this nigga but his sex was wack and I just fucked Jahseh hours ago... now I'm starting to feel like a hoe.

"My poor baby, want me to get you some ice creams and some chocolate? We can watch lifetime all day and I'll rub your tummy." He's so sweet he doesn't deserve this...

"Yes I would love that. Thank you baby." I said kissing his lips. I felt bad knowing he was gonna be taking a pointless trip to the store.

He just left and I called Jahseh to see what he was doing.

"Hey sexy, you must miss daddy."

I rolled my eyes and kissed my teeth.

"Maybe..maybe not. Anyway, wyd?"

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