🄻i⃞l⃞ Ⴝkíҽs • Bɽɑɨɗ 🅼🆈 ʜɑɨɽ

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He look so cute and innocent up top 😭💖New Imagine, New Rapper🤪 I like Skies he's so chill. Lust is my fav song by him and the video is amazing!

Enjoy 😘💦


"Shannon you know Skies is in town and looking for someone to braid him up right?"

"What? Bitch quit lying!"

She handed me her phone and it was true..excuse me while I admire those fact tats and that big dic-...

"Damn I-I wish I could do his hair."

"You can and you will, I already sent him a DM from your page." She cheesed.


"Bitch you heard me. This is once in a lifetime opportunity and you gonna get that dick."

"He's not gonna respond Alex, he prolly has hella bitches in his inbox, most of them don't have skills like me."

"Exactly, he ain't gonna waste his time without seeing someone's work. You're the best braided in the city and you got a big following."

"Listen girl I'm telling you it ain't gonna happe-"

My phone dinged with a notification from Instagram... I was on the coffee table and both me and my best friend could see the screen.

Direct Message from lilskies.

Oh shit...

"He messaged back? No fucking way."

I opened the message quickly, eager to see what he said.

"Your work is tight, you free around 6 or 7?The style I want may take a while."

I said reading the message out loud...

"I don't know what to say back.. I'm so nervous my hands are shaking."

"Bitch calm down and get it together, respond before he find someone else."

Thank you Skies 🙏🏾 that means a lot coming from you. I'm free then, you can come to my salon. I have my last client today at 3, I'll even close up shop for you so fans won't be going crazy lol.

"He's writing back... hurry up nigga you making me anxious."

You welcome lil mama and you don't gotta close up shop for me. I was hoping you can come to my suite, I'm tryna wind down before the show. Me and my niggas gone be drinking and smoking don't wanna disrespect your shop. I'm staying at the Westin downtown, here's my number just call me when you pull up I'll send my room #. I ain't checked in yet to give it to you. 267-954-8604

"He sent me his number OMG!"

Say less. Oh wash your hair before I get there please. I'll see you in a few hours.

I replied.

"Omg girl he want me to come to his hotel room. He even gave me his number ahhhh."

I said as me and my best friend jumped up and down.

"We going to get you a fresh wax right now! C'mon bitch, Niecy will finish up your client."

Before I could protest, she practically dragged me outta my shop to the spa a few doors down.

"Hello, my friend is getting lucky tonight we need her body hairless. Every inch, every crease, every nook and cranny! Please."

I hid my face with my hand in embarrassment.

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