յմíϲҽ աɾӏժ • ႮႶfმiႵႹfႮს PT. 3

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First and foremost...Rest In Peace Jarad, I'm sorry we couldn't save you. You're at peace now and with X, Mac and Peep. We love you baby boy 🖤


"Jaradddddd." I groaned stirring around in bed. I just woke up and I feel like shit already. This baby is taking all of my soul and energy.

You heard it right, I'm pregnant. I'm due at any day now and I wish she'djust hurry the hell up. I'm sick of being fat and pregnant, it's so draining.

"What's wrong baby? I was just cooking you some breakfast." He bought the plate near me and it made me nauseous..

I grabbed my bucket beside the bed and threw up my insides. He looked sad that I couldn't eat his food but he was more concerned about me.

"Baby girl still giving you a hard time? I thought the sickness would be over by now. I'm sorry baby I just wanted to feed you, I forgot how the smells get to you." I wiped my mouth and looked at him.

"It's okay baby, I'm sorry I threw up. I'm so sick of all of this, I'm ready for her to come." He helped me outta bed and into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and he cut the tub on for me. I climbed into the hot water which was perfect, I started to wash my body until he took the loofa from me. He cleaned my body off and let me relax. He left out and returned with my plate..

"You gotta eat regardless baby, you love my waffles and eggs. C'mon I even made you oatmeal and it's sweet just how you like it."

Every since I left his ass 2 years ago he's been treating me exactly how I'm supposed to be treated, like a queen! He isn't cheating anymore and he's gotten so mature.

"Give me a little please, that smell just caught me so off guard." He fed me a small amount and it was so good.

"Mhmm, damn baby that's so good. I love it." He continued to feed me until it was all gone, he bought me my OJ to wash it down and I thanked him. I was done with my bath so he got me out wrapping me in a long ass towel.

He walked me to the room and sat me on the bed, he oiled my body, put my favorite perfume on me then helped me get dressed. I'm big as fuck and this is so helpful, that's why I love him.

"I'm still hungry, can we go get something?"

"Anything for my girls, c'mon." He helped me up and handed me my Chanel bag.

"Thank you baby. We decided where we wanted to go as we left our the house and got into his Tesla. I held his hand the entire way to our destination.

Armed and Dangerous was playing on the radio as I hyped him up! Luckily we were at a red light..

"Yeah mama yo son too famous! He on everybody playlist, but he still armed and dangerous he'll pop at a stranger!" I sung as I recorded him as he hyped me up and did the same for me.

This is the Jarad I know and love, drug free completely, in good spirits and always in a great mood. He hasn't did any pills or lean since he flushed that shit down the toilet two years ago. I'm so glad I could be his rehab..

1 month later...

"Baby can you give me her bottle? It's warming on the stove." I hollered to Jarad who was downstairs with his friends. He bought it right up with a smile on his face..

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