×××🆃🅴🅽🆃🅰🅲🅸🅾🅽 • Թҽɾsօղɑӏ Stylist

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This chapter is about my ZADDY so you know my long winded ass made it long af! I struggled to think of a not so cliché way of them meeting/knowing each other and came up with this idea. Hold on to ya panties bitches 🤪


"You like that outfit?" I said pointing to the outfit I had hung up on the clothing rack. I'm a stylist and currently working with my most popular client.

His name is XXXTentacion, I know what your thinking...how could you work with someone so controversial?

No one is perfect and we all have a past and besides nobody knows what happened between him and that girl. Until he's found guilty they are only allegations and he's innocent

He's always nice to me so I could care less honestly. It's business nothing personal.

"Nah Macy, you know I don't like that shit. I need some dark, grunge, punk type shit."

"Look your publicist talked to me and she wants you to clean up your look for this press conference your having for your new album, and be still!" I was measuring him for a suit as a second option to the button down and dress pants hanging up.

"Man fuck her, she just want to turn me into a mainstream rapper."

I measured his thighs first and noticed a bulge.......he's definitely blessed. Now I'm at his waist, he's shirtless and he smells like heaven.

Focus Macy.

"It's her job to look out for your best interest and it's my job to listen to her."

"Macy just listen to me for a second please." I was on a pillow, on my knees getting the measurements and he pulled me up by my hands and threw the measuring tape on the ground.

"Go ahead X."

"I don't want to be something I'm not, they want me to put on a suit and go out there smiling, shucking and jiving like a house nigga. They got me fucked up Macy, I'm my own man, my own person. Either they see me for who I really am or they don't, a nice button down or a suit ain't gonna change their preconceived notions of me."

"You're right about that, half of those people in the press conference have already deemed you as guilty. If they really knew you or got to know you like I have they wouldn't believe that shit for a second. I see the real you, you're a good man X and I know you'd never hurt someone you love no matter how much they've hurt you."

He was looking deep into my eyes, trying to read me.

"Are you just saying that because I pay you?"

I chuckled..

"No silly, I don't gotta lie to you. Besides if I didn't like you as a person I prolly wouldn't work with you. It's not always about the money.."

"That's why I like you. I'm not gonna lie, when we first met I thought you were stuck up."

I hit his arm playfully.

"Excuse me? I could say the same about you but instead of stuck up I would say arrogant and cocky."

He did his cute little laugh and licked his lips.

"I'm far from that ma."

"Yeah I know that now..."

We just kinda stood there looking at each other for a while... I never noticed how sexy he was. He was different and I love men who have their own style and mindset. He didn't dress like other rappers wasn't all blinged out besides his grill and a few necklaces.

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