🆇🆇🆇t⃞e⃞n⃞t⃞a⃞c⃞i⃞o⃞n⃞ • ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ɕɦɑɳɠɛ PT. 2

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If you haven't read Part 1. WYD? STOP 🛑 ✋🏾 AND GO READ IT NEOWWWW🙃


My life has changed so much lately, it's hard to grasp it all. Sometimes it can be hard to adjust to change but I'm taking it one day at a time.

Sean is my boyfriend now, we been together for about 8 months. Things are going amazing, when I say he treats me like a fucking Queen he does just that.

I wake up everyday with him by my side and he puts a smile on my face. We get along, we go on dates, we've met each other's parents, we talk about the future and things we want so we can remain on the same page.

His business is really booming and he's always in the lab with his gang working on shit but ALWAYS makes time for me. We wake up in time before work and make breakfast together. We both love morning sex so we'll wake up at the crack of dawn, make love and go right back to bed.

We meet for lunch everyday at our favorite spot. I told him we could do it every Monday and Friday because he works way across town. Of course he wasn't having that, he said "Jayla you my baby, I'll drive to the end of the earth for you. A 20 minutes drive there and back ain't shit if it'll mean I get to see your beautiful face."

He has everything I want and need, he's a gentleman but he won't take shit from nobody and he's very over protective of me. He always makes me walk on the inside, he opens and closes my car door, he cooks, he cleans, he cares about how I feel and how could I forget.... he fucks my soul out. He eats this pussy like there's no tomorrow.

I'm actually glad Jahseh cheated cuz he pushed me into the arms of Sean.

Speaking of the devil...everyday Jahseh shows up to my job with sunflowers trying to win me back. I told the building manager not to let him through security, it worked for like a day but everyone fucking loves him and I heard Jahseh paid the man to let him in whenever.

I tell him everyday that it's over and ask him to leave as nicely as possible. He ignores my request, sings to me and plays me his new music before anybody else hears. He changes the water in the vase that he bought himself. He took it upon himself to get it when he noticed I was throwing the flowers away after he left.

Now I don't even bother, he throws the old water and flowers out and replaces it with new water and flowers. Everyday.

This has been going on for well over a year, it started before Sean and I even dated. I wasn't ready to jump right back into a relationship it took me almost 6 months to recover from my heart break.

It's 11:00 and it's almost time for my lunch at 12. I was working on some things when my assistant knocked at my door.

"Hey girl, wassup?"

"Mrs. Madison someone is here to see you." She gave me that look like 'you know who'. I rolled my eyes as I seen his dreads up in a ponytail he was smiling and waving at me behind her.

I nod at her and she walks off. I'm really tired of him doing this, I'm tryna heal, seeing him doesn't help.

I walk towards him as he extended his arms with sunflowers in one hand. I walked around him and closed my door.

"Jahseh we need to talk...this has gone on for way to long. It's been over a year and you show up here everyday and bring me these sunflowers. I don't even know where you find them this time of year because they stop growing around September."

"Jayla I told you like I tell you every week...I'm not going anywhere. I'll always be here for you, seeing you everyday is keeping me alive."

"I'm not your source of happiness any more, so you need to find someone else to occupy your time."

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