хххᴛᴇɴᴛᴀᴄɪᴏɴ • ʙɾҽɑƙíղց թօíղե թե. 3

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Jahseh 🌎

She grabbed my neck and pulled me closer locking our lips again, they danced for a second time and it felt even better than the first.

She pulled away and walked out the bathroom, seconds later she returned in a thin ass silk robe. She's been wearing nothing but baggy clothes so when I seen her shape I was shook.

"Damn." I said as she ignored me and walked towards the tub. She was feeling the water and she seemed to approve of the temperature.

She stood back up and looked back at me over her shoulder before dropping her robe. I didn't even cover my eyes I watched her like a hawk as she slowly slipped in..with no shame.

"I thought we were gonna unwind? Are you really gonna make me bathe alone?"

"I-" I started but she tilted her head. I took my button down off without finishing my dumb ass statement.

"Hell Nah." I said stepping towards the tub as so continued to strip..

Lordt be a fence, I know she going through some shit but I'll bust that pussy down and make her forget about what's his name.......

* 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*☆ ☾。・:★,。・:*:☆

I undressed fully as her eyes roamed from my lips, to my chest, to my dick. Her eyes widened and she gasped loudly.

"Oh my goddddd." I looked down at my dick and it was hard. I covered it or at least tried to as she bit her lip.

I stepped in as we shared eye contact...I knew if she got close to me I'd explode.
I sat on one edge of the tub while she sat on the other with a small smile on her face..

"Jahseh why are you so far away? I'm not gonna bite you." She crawled over to me and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"I know I've said it 100 times over but..I really appreciate you. I've never had someone be so selfless and so loving towards me and my son. You don't have to act this way, it's just me Jah."

"Xellie you don't have to thank me alright?" She started to wash my body off carefully and slowly, something I've never had anyone do before.

"I did what I did and what I do because I couldn't turn my back on y'all. I've gotten to know you and I truly care for you Xell."

"I care for you too...more than I can explain. Let me show you." She straddled me and kissed my lips with passion. I wrapped my arms around her body pulling her closer to me.

It heated up quick and next thing I know I'm cupping her fat ass. I leave kisses down her neck and onto her chest...

We kissed again and it was ten fold the time before..my tongue was in her mouth and hers in mine. When we finally pulled away for air we both were out of breath.

"Damn." We both said in unison. She continued to wash me off as I did the same for her. We got out and helped oil each other up, got dressed and made our way in the bed. We laid in each other's arms and talked until the sun came up...we didn't have sex we just got to know one another better. It was the most intimate conversation I had.

I was talking to her about something and noticed she was quiet. I glanced over and my baby girl was knocked out! I cuddled up to her and laid on her chest..

Xellie 💛

I woke up to Jahseh snoring and my son crying up a storm. I ran to his room and scooped him up, I changed him, made him some food and played with him for a while. I put him in his bouncer and cleaned the entire house, me and my baby were chilling when we heard Jahseh come down.

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