🆇🆇🆇t⃞e⃞n⃞t⃞a⃞c⃞i⃞o⃞n⃞ • ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ɕɦɑɳɠɛ PT. 4

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This is the final part to the 'Never Change' Imagines so please enjoy 😘 this has been my favorite so far.



It's been a few months since he tried to take his life, 4 and a half to be exact. I haven't left this hospital since. Mentally..I lost my mind the day he did it, I swear if he woulda died I woulda went right with him.

I don't sleep, barely eat, I only shower and keep his fans updated via Instagram from my own personal account. I get hate comments, messages, everything you could possibly think of. I'm constantly blamed but I'll take it, I feel I'm the cause as well. It's crazy how I left him because he was doing me wrong, yet everyone thinks I'm wrong because I wouldn't keep allowing the dirt he did to me to continue.

I ignore all the negative and hate like he would tell me to do and transmute that energy into him getting outta this coma. He isn't responsive but I keep telling them that I'm not pulling the cord because he will pull through. My baby is strong, he's a fighter..I would never just give up on his life.

I need him here. We need him here.

Yes we.....

I found out I was pregnant a month ago and it's the only thing keeping me going besides Jahseh. I haven't told anyone besides Jahseh and Sean...

Sean was the one that had a dream I was pregnant and that it was his. When I found out my due date, I knew it wasn't his. He insisted on making sure because he wanted a baby with me so bad, when the DNA test came back he was crushed. He broke down right in front of me and cried, I cried with him because I felt his pain. I feel horrible but I was tricked the day me and Jahseh had sex so it isn't like I knowingly cheated. I thought I was in a relationship with him.

I told him that he is my child's father and I love him regardless, that we'd have to interact for 18+ years for our child. He told me he would stay with me and help me raise the baby regardless. I entertained the idea until he grew jealous of me staying here day and night and never returning home.

He left me a while ago..I still think about him. He's such a good man that got caught up in some crazy shit. I still love him to this day..I just hope he can forgive me and understand.

"Hello Jayla, how are you?" The nurse asked me as she walked in.

"I'm good, how are you Shanice?"

"I'll be good when you actually leave here, go home, and get some rest. You being here won't bring him back to reality."

"Yes it will. He knows I'm here, I know he can feel my energy. He's coming back soon.. I feel it."

"I sure hope he does, he has his whole life ahead of him. "

She checked him and left the room..

I oil his hair everyday and retwist it every 2 weeks..he needs a fade but we will get him looking nice once we leave here.
I read to him, I sing to him and I tell him how much his fans love and miss him encouraging them everyday. I tell him how much a light he is to everyone around him.

Today I decided to tell him about the baby.. I sat beside him and held his hand as I looked at him.

"Hey baby, it's me again. I know you probably can't hear me but I want you to listen anyway because this is very important....we conceived a love child. We gonna have a little us running around here soon, the baby needs you and I need you here by my side. I miss you Jahseh, please just wake up! I can't raise this baby without you, listen to my voice baby. I love you Jahseh if you can hear me just squeeze my hand..." I said as I cried. I waited for what felt like a lifetime.....

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