xxxᵼɛɳᵼɑɕɨɵɳ• 🅲🅷🅾🅸🅲🅴🆂

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This is just a fictional imagine before y'all get mad 🙄 Jenesis seems laid back and a little hood I like her 💁🏾‍♀️🤣Just like me 🙆🏾‍♀️ (video of her @Rolling Loud getting turnt to Take A Step Back) This isn't about her just wanted to put that out there.


Whoa is my all time fave.
I don't let go and differences are next best, then what are you so afraid of.

TRAIN FOOD.... OMG I heard the pain in his voice and I felt like this was him opening up to us about something traumatic he went through. It's strange because I thought he was a young kid when it happened but he mentioned the dude talking about self harm to him and that would have to be maybe what pre-teen age on up? What do y'all think? I wanted to cry with him and hug him tight listening to that 😞💔 kinda triggered me actually...

You know how you go through something but you try to water down what really happen and try to make it seem like it's not bad but it is? Yeah...

I love you all, Rape/Assault/Abusive is never okay.. I'm here for everyone. I love every single last one of you 💕


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I'm cruising down I-95 headed to my doctor's appointment. Today we find out the gender, my child's father is supposed to be meeting me there.

I'm so excited he's finally gonna be able to make an appointment, he's been so busy with his album and touring lately he's missed my first few appointments.

Last night before he went home he promised he would be here...our situation is complicated but I'll explain that later..

I was blasting Unbothered by Ski, he dropped his album a few days ago and the shit slap!

I took my exit and pulled into my OBGYN office, I checked myself in the mirror to make sure I looked cute.

I miss him and I'm glad I get to see him again today, usually we see each other every few days.

I got outta my car and headed in, I got inside and signed my name on the clip board. I was pretty early but I like to be at my appointments ahead of time.

About 10 minutes had passed and my appointment was in 20.

Where the hell is he?

I sent him a text reminding him...

"Hey, you on the way? Appointment is in 20 minutes."

I kept checking my phone but there wasn't a response...he didn't even read it.

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