🆇🆇🆇t⃞e⃞n⃞t⃞a⃞c⃞i⃞o⃞n⃞ • ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ɕɦɑɳɠɛ PT. 3

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This chapter contains mental illness , mental breakdowns as well as self harm 💔 I know some are sensitive to these things, I have shit that triggers me too. You aren't alone just a fair warning.

I'm sorry ahead a time for this...
Just remember this is only fictional.

Over 4K words..



Yesterday was a success, when I met up with with Jayla I hadn't planned on doing what I did. However my demons got the best of me...


She was about to get in her car until I called her name.

"Hey Jayla, can you come here?"

She looked a little irritated but came anyway. I'll fuck that attitude right outta her if she keep on.


"What kinda food does he eat?"

"Blue Buffalo, they have it at Sam's."

"Okay thank you, can I get a hug before you go? I haven't touched you in so long and that hug earlier made me happy. Pleaae." I asked innocently..I wanted her in my arms yes but I needed her to smell my 'cOlOgNe'

We embraced and her head was in the crook of my neck. She loves when a man smells good, that's her weakness.

She pulled away and looked at me confused before blinking rapidly..

"Jayla, don't worry daddy got you." I smiled at her before her body went limp and her eyes closed...

I caught her and carried her to the passenger side bridal style. I strapped her in and kissed her lips gently and let Titan hop in on my side.

When we made it home I tucked her in bed and caught a Uber to the hill so I could drive her car back to my place.

I went through her phone and she had a picture of him and her as the lock and home screen. I almost threw up at the sight of his ugly pretty boy looking ass so I changed it to a old pic of us she had saved. I knew she still loved me...
She had a bunch of poems in her phone about us and the heartbreak I put her through. It really broke my heart the way I did her, she still talks about me every blue moon moon with her best friend and her mom.

I stopped sharing her location with ugly ass and cut it on silent..

Flashback over...

I bathed her that night, washed her hair, oiled her up and put her in some of my clothes. Nothing made me happier than to have her in my presence again..her scent, her face, her lips. Everything about her.

Call me crazy shit at least ya call me...


I bought her a big ass rock so now she's my wife. Periodt.


I stir around and open my eyes, sunlight pierces them as I throw my hand up to block the brightness.

I see the back of a ring and I slowly turn my hand over, I yell at the size and practically fell outta bed.

W-where am I? Last thing I remember I was laying in bed searching for Sean's warmth.

"Good Morning my beautiful wife."

That voice...how the fuc-.

I looked up and seen him. How did I get here? I don't even know what day it is.

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