ххх⍑ⅇn⍑⍺cⅈon - Different

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I was clocking in for my shift and tryna mentally prepare myself for another day.

I'm glad I'm high as fuck right now, it's a nice ass day, ain't shit gonna ruin it or blow my high!
I said to myself lowly.

I grabbed my cart and my chart seeing I was cleaning the penthouse floors. Great. Rich assholes are the laziest and the nastiest. Not all of them are like that but damn do they trash shit.

I rode the elevator all the way to the top putting my EarPods in and blasting my music. Let's get dis bag bitch!

*2 hours later*

I heard some yelling coming from a room nearby even through my music. It was a bunch of commotion.

What the hell?

I ignored it and minded my business, I turned my volume down just in case cuz you gotta be aware.
I got the sheets for the bed I was finna pull before the door slammed open. I jumped knocking my right earpod out..

"What the fuck you mean you ain't got my backend?! Get the fuck out! Think I came all the way here from Broward for fun?" A man yelled.

"Get the fuck out pussy!" I heard a deep voice and seen a bald man with face tats everywhere and a mouth full of gold.

I wonder if they perms?

"You got a hour to bring me my shit." A short man emerged from the back. His hair was dyed blue, he too had tats. I admired his eyes and his features zoning out.

"Yo mamas? You good?" He said now standing close as fuck to me. I smelled his YSL perfume..

"I'm straight y'all just scared the fuck outta me wit that door. I didn't know if I should hide or shoot."

"Always shoot beautiful." He smiled at me. He picked up my EarPod and handed it to me.

"I'm sorry about that but this nigga got me fucked up cuz I want my money. Can I buy you lunch? dinner? maybe some new AirPods? You know the new ones are better right?"

I was kinda stunned he was being so nice to me cuz he was finna beat that nígga ass.

"No I'm good, I'm just tryna do my work so I can get the fuck outta here. Make that nigga pay you what he owes you and more. Thank you." I nodded putting my earphone back in.

I walked in the room and finished putting a fresh set of sheets on. I sprayed the disinfectant and closed the door after I did a one over.

"Cmon we gotta get ready for the show." I heard him say as I rolled down the hall.

2 days later...

"I'm on my last room then I'm going on lunch." I got on the walkie and announced.

"Okay bet I'm after you." Kayla responded sounding relieved.

"Jah open up! Your show is in a few hours we gotta slide to sound check!" There was tattooed guy with a cool durag on. He had on off-white pants and a Gucci shirt. He had channel pearls laced around his neck and he wore them so good.

"Yo can you open this door? I need to get in there!" Some older guy beside him said.

"My name is Khy and no I cannot if your name ain't on this here penthouse." I smirked lifting a brow..

He flashed his ID and I checked to confirm with my girl he was the person before letting him in. It wasn't him..

"Nice try."

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