s⃞ƙí ʍɑs⃞ƙ եհe⃞ slum⃞p go⃞d • Far From A Man

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^HE MAD DADDYISH BRUH IDC! This is long af btw..almost 4K words, it's late af and I'm prolly gonna fall asleep 146743 times while editing this shit but...

You will not regret ☣️

M a í a

I got out my car and walked up to the big ass house. I knocked on the door waiting for a response. I turned my back to the door and looked up at the moon that was shining bright.

I felt warmth behind me as arms wrapped around my waist.

"Bout time you here. I missed you."

"I missed you too sexy." I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck.

We kissed and he pulled me through the threshold of his fancy ass home.

"What you been doing today?" I asked looking at his wardrobe. 'Preme shorts and a Gucci top.

"I just got back from the Stu with Jah, wbu? You look good enough to eat in that outfit."

"This old thing? Thank you Pokeley." I lied. I bought these fish nets, this customized Vlone shirt and this black leather skirt earlier. My tits were sitting up nice and practically spilling outta my shirt.

"I see you got on the chain I got you. It looks good on you, you know I had to ice my baby out."

"You take good care of me, this is my favorite piece of jewelry. Thank you, you always spoil me. Let's go we gonna miss the movie."

He led me out the house and closed the door behind me. We going to this drive in theatre that's just now opening.

At the Drive In Theatre..

We got our snacks and we waiting on the movie to start. I sparked the blunt to work up an appetite.

He smiled at me as I passed it to him after ghosting it..

"I forgot to roll and look at you..all prepared and shit. Tits hanging all out, I'm finna say fuck this movie and we just hop in the back seat." He smirked at me.

I rolled my eyes.

"Not gonna happen, we should go to that place Jah always talks about."

"Make Out Hill?"

"Yeah, we already got the top down. We can pull up there and fuck under the stars."

"That's exactly what we gone do."

They had booze so we've been throwing them back for a while now. Beer after beer after beer.

The movie ended and we cautiously made our way to our destination. Luckily it was just right up the street.

He pulled in and cut the car off. I took this as the perfect time to spark our third blunt.

"It's really beautiful up here, how come you never bought me here before?"

"I forgot about this place, I haven't been since I was a kid."

"Which one of yo old hoes you try to win over up here? She bust it open for you?" I laughed.

"Mane hell nah. Wasted my money on this fancy ass dinner for her to pull the 'I'm waiting til marriage.' Bullshit."

I died laughing cuz of the face he was making. He looked so salty, prolly looked the exact same way when she told him he wasn't getting any.
I handed him the blunt and straddled him spreading my legs as far as possible.

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