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Hiiii guys, my name is XXX and you're watching Disney Channel

Anyway I love y'all first and foremost, someone asked me to do a kidnapped X book because they fucking awesome! Thanks for the request lovejahsehonfroy 🥰

Hereeee we are. I'm writing a book as we speak but I wanted to post this chapter as a trial run to see how'd it do as an imagine so enjoy☺️💜

* **•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ✭  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

See you then.

I sent the text through Facebook Market Place to the lady I had been communicating with today. I'm selling a bunch of old shit on there and she contacted me about my two dog cages. The nice lady said she has smaller dogs and need them for traveling.

She even offered me $100 each for them and I was only asking for $85 a pop, I guess she really wants them. I loaded them in the back of my truck and closed it heading to my destination.

* ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇☽ ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇

I been waiting for a while now..Where the hell is this lady? She should been here by now. My phone started to vibrates and It was a call from my mom..

"Hey ma, how are you?"

"Hey baby I'm good, what you up to?"

"I'm meeting this lady at the park from Facebook, she's gonna by Joji's old cages."

"I was thinking about you something told me to call you, are you sure you're alright?"

"I'm fine ma, why do you ask?"

"I don't know, just wanted to check in on you. I love you watch your surroundings baby, is it a lot of people there?"

I observed my surroundings once more and noticed there was still a few people around. It was almost time for the sun to set but we had a few more minutes of sunlight.

"Kinda, it's almost dark people are starting to leave."

"You have your knife?" I checked my side pocket and I felt it. A feeling of relief went over me..

"Yes ma'am." I got a call and it was her..

"Ma she's calling me I gotta g-"

"Dang she hung up." I read the text she sent saying she was here and describing the car she was in.

"She's her ma, I love you and I'll call you when I get in."

"I love you too baby don't forget to call me! Be careful!" We hung up and I got our meeting her halfway.

"Hey thanks for meeting me here to pick them up, here they are in excellent condition."

"Wow they do look good..thank you so much, here's the money. Could you help me load it into my trunk?" I agreed to help her as we walked to her truck. She opened the trunk of the suv and we put them in side by side.

"Thanks again!"

"You're welcome, have a good day!" I started to walk away..I noticed everyone was gone that was here before the sun started to set.

"Oh what's this on the handle."

"There shouldn't be anything on it, I cleaned them good."I looked closer at what she was pointing to and before I knew it everything was dark...

I couldn't see shit and I was shoved into the car then trunk slammed loudly. I tried to get the bag off my head but my hands were already bound.

I screamed and screamed...to no avail.

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