Chapter 23

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(Luca's Pov)

Storm stopped the car and I got out. Storm and his friends were staying home from school today since their school had a gas leak. So they'll be at my house when I get home. I hate them so much, they're stealing my brother away from me and he's probably going to get hurt again. The only two that I like out of them are Tyler and Kyle. Tyler and Kyle were hanging out last night so they couldn't come over but they'll be here today. I sighed and walked into hell, sorry I meant school. I walked over to my locker where Riley was waiting. He frowned at my face and quickly said "Hey, what's wrong?"

"N-nothing, j-just didn't g-get a lot of s-sleep." I said and yawned for effect. He smiled and nodded.

"Okay good!" He said in his usual hyper way. He always puts me in a good mood. That's why I kind of have a crush on him, but he would never date me. I'm surprised he's even my friend let alone my boyfriend. "So, ready for that test today?" I face palmed and groaned.

"I f-forgot about i-it." I said. He laughed and shook his head.

"I'll let you copy if you want." I smiled at him and thought about it. Should I? That would be wrong but who cares? Not me!

"S-sure." I said while smiling. He smiled and I opened my locker. I was then violently shoved inside my locker and the door was slammed shut. Keep in mind, I'm claustrophobic so I started to panic. I started hitting the door and someone kicked the door, causing a loud bang to ring through my ears.

"Hey, get away from him!" I heard Riley say. I heard a bunch of laughing and saw through the cracks Riley getting pushed into another locker.

"Why don't you make us?" Jeffree said. I banged on the locker a couple more times before I finally got it open. I stepped out and breathed in the fresh air that didn't smell like my metal locker. I saw Riley push Jeffree back and he tripped over his feet, causing him to fall. He glared at us and stood up and his crew got behind him. Riley came over to me and stood next to me. I could tell where this was going, we were going to fight. . . I felt myself shaking from fear. Riley looked at me and then he did something that shocked me. He took my hand and squeezed it. I wanted to just jump around and squeal like a fan girl would to Andy Biersack. Instead I just smiled until I heard laughing.

"Haha, look at them fags! Thinkng they can take us!" Jeffree said. I saw Riley roll his eyes and he took his hand out of my hand and crossed his arms and put his hip out in a sassy way.

"You're calling us fags? Basically you're calling us a cigarette you idiot." Riley said. I smiled at that but Jeffree didn't like that. So he and his charged at us. Where the heck is a teacher when you need one?! Riley punched Cameron and I punched Jeffree before they could hit us. That would definitely leave some nasty bruises. I then twisted his are back and he screamed. Danny came up behind me and punched me in the head and I whimpered in pain. I let go of Jeffree and he punched me right in my eye. I screamed in pain and Riley rushed over to me. While he was distracted Cameron came over and kicked him right in the lip. It left his lip busted open and bloody. We got up and I tackled Cameron to the ground in rage that he hurt him. He screamed and I kept on punching him before someone pulled me off. I looked up and saw Mrs. Yolanda, our vice principal. Uh oh. . .

"What in the world is going on here?!" She said. I looked at Riley and he shrugged.

"Them two attacked us!" Jeffree said.

"For some reason I don't believe that." I smiled and so did Riley. Riley walked over to me and dusted off my arm while Jeffree, Cameron, and Danny all spoke with the principal.

"You okay?" He asked. I nodded my head and looked at his lip. "Your eye is swollen. You have a black eye." I shrugged and pointed to his lip.

"You're b-bleeding." I said. He nodded and licked his lip. Ew, that's nasty.

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