Chapter 18

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(Storm's Pov)

I cleaned the whole house and now it's time for Luca to get home. I was vacuuming the living room as he came in the door and looked at me confused.

"Why are you home?" He asked. I turned off the vacuum.

"Something happened, so I stayed home." I said like it was no big deal. He put his stuff down and came up to me. I saw him gasp and he grabbed my wrist.

"Wh-what the h-heck! Why?'' He asked. I bit my lip as tears  stung my eyes.

"I'm sorry," I whispered. He pulled me into a hug and I started crying.

"Shhh, wh-why d-did you d-do th-this?" He asked.

"I'm a joke! All it was was a game! I'm so stupid to think he actually loved me." I whispered the last part and sobbed into my little brother's shoulder.

"Wh-what do you m-mean a game?" He asked. I pulled back and wiped my tears.

"It was all just a bet to see if I could fall for him. I'm an idiot to think he actually liked me." I could see him getting angry and he started pacing.

"I-I'm going t-to kill him!" Luca yelled.

"Luca, as much as I'd love for you to do that, not really, I think that's a little to far." I said.

"Fine! I-I won't k-kill him. I'll j-just talk to him." He said.

"Do whatever you want. I'm done with everything." He gave me a sad look but I ignored him. I ran upstairs, into my room and locked it. I slid down my wall again and started crying until I fell asleep. I woke up the next day, cramped from being in a weird position and my eyes hurt from crying so much. I looked at my clock and saw it was six o'clock. I got up and went into my bathroom, stripped down and looked at my cuts. I'm definitely going to need a long sleeved shirt today. I got into my shower and turned it on. After I did all my cleaning I just stood underneath the water. It felt nice until it started getting cold. By the time I got out it was already seven. I picked out a random purple shirt and my black veil brides skinny jeans with four colorful studded belts. I then put on two studded bracelets and a studded collar. I also did my makeup a bit darker today and put my hair more in my face. I then put on my old black combat boots and a black snapback with studs on the bill. I painted my nails black and then I finally grabbed my stuff and headed downstairs. I saw Luca on the couch watching TV.

"You ready?" I asked, not caring about breakfast. He nodded but then stopped.

"Wait, R-riley said h-he was going t-to pick me up." He said. I sighed and nodded and hugged him.

"Alright, love you." I said. He said it back and I walked out the door. I got into my car and put on Motionless In White's new album. I sang along to some of it before pulling into the school. I checked myself in the mirror before fixing one of my snake bites. I got out and saw Jackson's crew with Tyler, might I add, sitting on the steps at the front. There's no way to get past them. I knew Tyler probably didn't know what happened and I wasn't planning on telling him. I didn't want to talk to anyone, and I guess most people figured that out because they all ran away from me as I passed them with my head down and a angry look on my face.

"Storm!'' Jackson said. He looked at me with a sad look and I glared at him. His eyes widened as he noticed my outfit today and he took a step back. Jesus Christ, it's a fucking outfit, I'm not wearing a sign saying 'I'm going to kill you!'

"Move." I growled out.

"Storm?" Tyler said while standing up. I turned my attention to him and his eyes widened.

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