Chapter 17

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(Storm's Pov)

*one month later*

I've been dating Jackson for a little over a month now. I've honestly never been happier. He's so sweet and nice. Right now we're in his room. He's trying to get his math homework done while I've been done for over an hour now. I'm just reading our book we were assigned in English. "Ugh! I give up, math is just stupid." Jackson whined. I put my book down and smirked at him.

"Do you realize how wrong that sentence was? Math isn't stupid, it's math."

"Shut up." He said playfully. I laughed and put my book away.

"What problem are you on?" I asked.

"Sixteen, so I have four more problems to do." He said.

"Fivw counting that one." He glared at his paper and sat up, as he was laying on his stomach.

"Whatever, I'm done." He said. I sighed and took his paper and pencil. I quickly did the problem, showing all my steps and handed it back to him.

"There, just do what I did." I said.

"But. . . How?" He asked.

"It was easy." I smirked. He glared at me before laying back down and doing his homework. I went back to my book and he finished in fifteen minutes.

"Finished, do you just want to stay the night?" He asked. I thought about it and nodded. Luckily Luca's at Riley's.

"Sure, I need to borrow some clothes for school tomorrow." I said. He nodded and got up  and went into his closet.

"I think I have an old sweatshirt that was too small for me. It might be a little big though." He said.

"That's fine." I said. He tossed me a red sweatshirt with our school name on it and a pair of old black, worn out skinny jeans. I raised an eyebrow at them."Where'd you get these?"

"Before we moved here I used to wear that stuff. I guess I still have a pair." He said.  I nodded and put them on the chair. He came back over to me and hugged me. "Can we talk?" He asked.

"Sure, what's up, babe?" I said. He kissed my forehead and sat me down.

"If you ever found out something bad about me, would it destroy our relationship?" He asked.

"What do you mean? Like what?" I said.

"Doesn't matter, I was just curious." He said. I gave him a reassuring smile and kissed him passionately. He kissed me back and I pulled away and stared into him eyes.

"I would never leave you just because of something bad." I said. He smiled but still looked unsure, so I decided to change the subject. "Did you get your song done?" I asked. He smirked and shook his head no.

"Nope." He said popping the 'P'. "What about you?" I blushed and nodded my head, feeling embarrassed. I wrote the song about him.

"Really? Can I hear it? I have a guitar." He said. I blushed even more and shook my head no.

"You wouldn't like it. I mean it's stupid." I said nervously. He smiled at me and put his arms around me.

"Please, your probably amazing a writing music." I sucked in my bottom lip and played with my lip ring before sighing.

"Okay." He smiled and got up and grabbed the guitar. He handed it to me and I started singing and playing.

" You make me happy whether you know it or not

We should be happy that's what I said from the start

I am so happy knowing you are the one

That I want for the rest of my days

I Bet I Can Make Him Smile (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now