Chapter Eight

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*Picture is of Evan (Tyler's dad)*

(Storm's Pov)

I was awoken to my phone going off. It was playing 'Bulletproof love' By Pierce the Veil. I groaned and turned off the alarm with my eyes still closed. I stretched and opened my eyes and remembered that we slept in the living room last night. I sat up and saw Luca still asleep and smiled a little bit, happy he actually got some sleep. I got up and walked upstairs. I was still in my clothes from yesterday since I never changed out of them. I opened my closet and got out a black t-shirt and a long sleeved shirt with black and white striped sleeves. I put the long sleeved shirt on first and then the black -t-shirt. I then went through my drawers and got out a pair of black skinny jeans and then got on my black and white checkered Toms. I wasn't going to take a shower because I took two yesterday and I didn't need one. I went into my bathroom and brushed my teeth and did my hair. I looked at the clock and saw it was six forty-five. I grabbed my school stuff and went downstairs and saw Luca was awake and sitting on the makeshift bed.

"Good morning. You didn't have to be up for another fifteen minutes," I said. We're always early to school anyways.

"I-I know. I'm g-g-going to get ready." He got up and ran upstairs. I went into the kitchen and opened the freezer and got out the toaster strudels. I put two in the toaster and waited for them to pop up before I put the third one in. Just as I was putting the frosting on all of them Tyler came strutting into the kitchen like he owned the place.

"Good morning!" He said brightly and kissed my cheek. He does that every morning and I'm used to it.

"Good morning," I said.

"Did you guys have a movie night or something?" he asked and sat down at the table. I nodded my head and put his plate in front of him with one of the strudels and a glass of orange juice. "Thank you!" he said

"Yes, Luca couldn't sleep, so I decided to put on a movie," I said and sat down with my breakfast. Luca came into the kitchen wearing a red sweatshirt with a '=^_^=' face on it and blue skinny jeans.

"Aw! I am so in love with the sweatshirt! Good morning, Lulu!" Tyler said. Luca giggled at the nickname and I laughed a little.

"G-G-Good m-morning, Ty," Luca said. I pushed his plate towards him and he sat down and started eating.

"So, is anyone going to tell me what happened with Jackson yesterday?" Tyler asked. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"He texted me and wants to talk to me today at lunch," I said. Tyler squealed and I rolled my eyes. You might think he has a stereotypical high voice based on how he acts, but no. He has a deeper type voice. Not too deep, though.

"Oh, my glob! Are you going to talk to him?!" Tyler asked excitedly. I shrugged and picked up my plate and took it to the sink.

"I don't know."

"As your friend, I'm making you do this. No arguing," Tyler said. I rolled my eyes and turned to him.

"Yeah, whatever," I said. Tyler and Luca put their plates in the sink and I looked at the clock. Already seven-thirty. I grabbed my school stuff and they followed me out to the car.

"Have a good day, love you," I said as I pulled into the school parking lot.

"Bye, Luca!" Tyler said.

"B-Bye, l-l-love you, t-too," Luca said and got out of the car. I saw Riley run up to him and they walked into school together. I started driving towards our school with the radio playing 'Sarcasm' by Get Scared softly in the background.

"Dad wants to know if you want to come over for dinner tonight," Tyler said.

"Sure, that'd be awesome," I said. I pulled into the school and we got out of the car.

"I have to go to the office to talk to them about something. I'll see you later." He hugged me before running off towards the entrance of the office. I looked and saw Kyle looking at Tyler and then he looked at me. He had this look on his face. . .is he jealous? No, he can't be jealous of Tyler hugging me. I don't want to give Tyler any false hope either. I shrugged it off and walked into the school and towards my locker. I got my books and went off towards English class.

"Good morning, Mr. Miles," Mr. Ray said. I nodded my head at him and sat at my desk. Now to get through another day of this Hell.

The bell for lunch finally rang and I got up and hurried out the door. I went to my locker and saw Tyler standing there.

"Hiya!" Tyler said.

"Hey, why aren't you at lunch already?" I asked.

"Just wanted to make sure that you're not going to bail on Jackson," Tyler said. I rolled my eyes and put in my combination. After putting my books away and Tyler telling me to hurry up a thousand times, I was about to walk off with him to lunch, but no. Someone just had to call my name.

"Hey, Storm." I turned around and saw Jackson coming up to me.

"I'll leave you to talk," Tyler said before running off down the hall. Jackson looked at him before standing in front of me. The halls were pretty well cleared out now, so it was just him and me.

"I said I wanted to talk to you at lunch, remember?" Jackson said with a smirk.

"R-Right, I remember," I said and laughed awkwardly. I looked down at my feet and saw him shuffling his feet nervously.

"So, I was wondering if you wanted to do something with me tomorrow night?" Jackson said. I looked up at him in shock. Tomorrow night? As in the night that is after today?

"Like what?" I asked quietly. He looked around nervously before his eyes landed on me.

"Well, the carnival is in town. We could go to that. It would be like a, well a-a-" He didn't finish his sentence.

"Like a date?" I asked. What else was he going to say?

"Yeah, like a date," Jackson said with a soft smile. I bit my lip nervously, still in shock that he just asked me on a date. I mean me! Of all people!

"Why do you want to go on a date with me?" I asked. Great, way to go Storm, you just had to ask again. He chuckled at my question.

"It seems like it would be fun. Besides, I've always wanted to get to know you. So, what do you say?" Jackson asked with a hopeful look in his eyes. I bit my lip again and nodded.

"Okay," I said nervously. He smiled brightly.

"Great! I'll pick you up from your house at six tomorrow. You can text me your address. See you then," Jackson said before walking off towards lunch.

I turned around and rested my head on my locker. I sighed and closed my eyes. "What have I gotten myself into?" I asked aloud. 

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