Chapter 10

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After dinner was over we talked and played some video games. It was really fun, I'm happy that they invited us over. After we said goodbye I drove Luca and me back to the house and he went up to his room. I threw the keys on the table, took my jacket off and threw myself onto the couch. Why am I so tired? Eh, whatever, I don't really care anyway. I yawned and grabbed the remote. I turned the TV on and started watching Attack on Titan.

"You okay?" Luca asked while coming up behind the couch.

"Just fine, I'm tired though. Want to watch TV?" He nodded and sat down on the couch. After an hour of us talking and watching the show I looked at the clock and saw it was eight-thirty. "I'm going to go take a shower," I said and got up. I went up to my room and got a towel and my pajamas. I went into the bathroom and stripped down to my boxers. I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed, feeling disgusted with myself. I'm really pale, super skinny, and I have scars on my body. That's right, scars from my past. I used to cope with things by hurting myself but now that I'm fully responsible for Luca I stopped. Sometimes I still have a urge to do it but I always ignore it. I just wish I never started. Okay, things just got really serious. I shook my head and sighed. I turned on the water, undressed the rest of the way and got in. After I washed my body and hair I just stood there under the water. It felt nice, like all my problems were gone. Of course the water started getting cold so I got out. I dried off my body and hair and put on my Batman pajama pants and a spiderman pajama shirt. I looked at my phone and saw it was nine-thirty-four. I yawned and stretched and turned out my light. I got into bed and fell asleep.

"H-help me! Get a-a-away! N-no stop! P-please!" I jumped up out of bed and ran out of my room panicking. I ran into Luca's room and saw him clawing at himself and thrashing around his bed.

"Luca!" I said. I ran up to him and tried to hold him down, not wanting him to hurt himself anymore.

"S-stop! Leave a-me a-alone!" He cried. I shook him and his eyes snapped opened. He started crying and I sat on his bed and held him.

"Shhh, it's okay. You'll be okay." I reached over and turned on his lamp.

"N-no I won't," he whimpered out.

"It was just a dream," I reassured him. But I knew it was more than just a dream, it was a memory.

"I-It hurts," he said and pulled away. He looked at his arms and started crying harder.

"Shhh, it's fine, it was an accident." I went over to his drawer and got the first aid kit. "Give me your arms." He gave me his arms and I took a disinfectant wipe and cleaned them. I then took the gauze and bandaged his arms. He had stopped crying and was just sniffling now. I threw away the used stuff and put the first aid kit back before going back over to him.

"C-can I s-sleep in your room t-tonight?" He asked nervously. I smiled at him and stood up.

"Of course. I'll get your cover." He got up and I took his cover and pillow and led us to my room. I laid his cover on top of mine on one side and he crawled in. I got in my bed and he still looked really upset. I ran my hand through his sweaty hair, not that I cared right now, and felt him relax a little. I started to quietly sing 'Terrible things' by Mayday parade.

I looked and saw his breathing was soft and I smiled a little. I turned out my light and rolled over onto my side. I shut my eyes and slowly fell asleep.

'Beep, beep, beep, beep' I groaned and slammed my hand on my alarm clock. I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"I d-dont feel w-well," Luca said quietly. I looked at him and saw he was sitting up. He looked a little pale and really tired. I felt his head and he had a fever.

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