Tyler Ross profile

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Hiya! Let's see, my name is Tyler Ross and I'm seventeen years old. I go to Frankveiw High school and I have a best friend named Storm Miles. I have brown longish hair, kind of tan skin, and am pretty tall. I'm gay and have a crush on one of the football players. I'm not saying who, so don't ask. I'm usually a happy person and try my best to brighten people's mood. That's kind of how Storm and I met. I saw he looked kind of sad and I annoyed and bugged him until he talked to me. Now we're really close and I'm also really close with his brother Luca. If I don't know you though then I will be very shy at first, but I usually open up really fast. I have an amazing family that is made up of my two dad's and pet cat. My dads are named Evan and Brandon and they're super cool! They don't look like they would be parents because they have a punk look to them. My favorite color is green and my favorite animal is a cat. Let's see here. . .well I can't think of anything else! See ya later!

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