Chapter 37

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(Jackson's Pov)

I grabbed my bag and went downstairs to the kitchen where dad was. I walked in and dad looked up from his laptop. "Hey, Jackson." He said.

"Hey Dad." I said.

"Todays the big day! You nervous?" He said. I nodded and ran a hand through my hair.

"Never been more nervous in my life..." I said.

"Don't be, got your suit?" I nodded and he smiled.

"Well I should be going, I don't want to be late." I said and stuffed my suit in my backpack. He nodded and I ran out to my car, throwing my stuff onto the passenger seat and starting the car. I drove to school listening to the radio play Therapy by All Time Low. I softly sang along to try and calm my nerves. I pulled into the parking lot and parked in my usual spot. I got out, grabbed my bag and walked over to the guys. They all smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Hey guys." I said and waved.

"Hey, you ready? Their going to call you out during 2nd period for the 'assembly' but instead of going to the bleachers you'll go into coaches office and change and get ready." Kyle said. I nodded and took a deep breath.

"Yeah, I think so." I said. They smiled and we all went to first period. I saw Storm in his usual seat and nervously went over to him. I leaned down and pecked his lips and he smiled at me.

"Hey Jackson, why do you look so nervous?" He said.

"Oh you know, the quiz for today..." I said. His eyes went wide and he said

"Shit! I completely forgot about the math quiz!" He said.

"There's a math quiz?!" I said. He looked at me confused.

"Yeah... didn't you just say that?" He said. My eyes widened and I shook my head yes.

"Yeah... I was just making sure there was one..." I said nervously and thanked god that the teacher came in and told us all the hush. First period flew by and second period came in no time. I nervously went to my second period class and when the warning bell rang the principle came on the speakers.

"All students and teachers need to report to the gym at this time. I repeat, all students and teachers need to report to the gym at this time." We all got up and started our way down to the gym. I nervously escaped the crowd and walked into coaches office and changed into my suit. The principal came in after knocking and said

"So I'll tell them that we have a very special event and have you come out then. I'll give you the microphone and then you can do your thing from there. Good luck!" He said and walked out into the gym. I took a deep breath and thought over what I was going to say.

(Storm's Pov)

I found Kyle and the guys and sat down. They all gave me a bright smile and I looked at them oddly. "What? And where's Jackson?" I asked.

"Oh nothing, and he's around here somewhere." Michael said. I nodded and gave them a weird look. The principal came out and said

"We have a very special event today." He said. He motioned for someone to come out and Jackson came out in a suit and he handed him the microphone.

"Hi, most of you know me but for those that don't my name is Jackson Rider. I'm down here today to ask someone a very important question." He said. I felt my heart skip a beat when he looked at me. He smiled and said "Storm, please come here." I nervously went down to the gym floor and walked in front of him. He took my hand in his and our song started playing. I felt my eyes start to water when he got down on one knee and said 4 magical words. "Will you marry me?" He held out this beautiful engagement ring and I started crying tears of joy. I nodded my head rapidly and said

"Yes! Oh my glob yes!" Everyone cheered and he got up and kissed me passionately. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he picked me up bridal style and carried me out of the gym. I pulled away and he smiled brightly at me.

"You have no idea how in love with you I am right now." He said. I smiled and he set me down.

"About as much as I'm in love with you." I said. He laughed and the guys came running over to us. Tyler jumped on me and I laughed.

"YOU'RE ENGAGED!" He screamed. I nodded and they all congratulated us.

"So whens the wedding?" Michael said.

"We'll figure that out when we start planning." Jackson said.

"And who's your best man?" Tyler said, nudging me with his elbow. I chuckled and said

"You of course!"

"Yay!" He said and hugged me. I laughed and hugged him back.

He let go of me and Jackson wrapped his arms around me.

"So Storm." He said.

"Yeah?" I said.

"How about we go back to my place and start planning?" He said. I nodded and we said bye to all our friends and started driving home. Once there his dad came in and smiled and looked at the ring on my finger.

"Ah Storm! I couldn't wait to tell you!" He said.

"What?" I said.

"I couldn't wait to welcome you to the family!" He said. I laughed and thanked him. He smiled at me and Jackson pulled me up to his room. Once there we got out some paper and started writing down our ideas.


 *Hi! Thanks for reading! Don't forget to comment and vote! And I think the next chapter will be the last and then the epilogue. I hope you all enjoyed it! I love you all! <3*

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