Chapter Four

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(Storm's Pov)

Coach Ron blew his whistle and we all rushed to get to the locker rooms. I walked slower than everyone else because like I said before, I hate changing in front of people. I walked into the locker room where there were guys everywhere with their shirts off. I quickly looked down at my shoes like they were the most interesting things in the world and walked to my locker. I put in the combination and took out my clothes. I didn't need to change my shirt so I just took off my shorts and replaced them with my skinny jeans. As I was putting my stuff away I heard a locker slam shut causing me to jump. I looked up and saw everyone staring at Jackson. What's his problem?

"WHAT?!" he yelled. I quickly looked away, grabbed my stuff, and walked out of the locker room. I heard Marcus say something about him and Kyle fighting. Huh, I guess that's why Kyle flipped them all off during gym. Well moving on from their problems. I walked into the hall and down to my next class which is science. Luckily Tyler and I both have this class so I'll at least have someone to talk to. We never do anything in science since our teacher is a lazy old lady names Mrs. Ryan. The only thing we do are worksheets but we're allowed to talk and do them for homework if we don't do them in class. I walked into my science class and saw half the students already here. That included Tyler and Kyle who still looked pretty pissed. Tyler looked up and saw me and started waving and pointing to the seat next to him. I rolled my eyes at him, yeah because I'm going to sit next to someone else. I walked over and sat down and he immediately started asking me questions.

"You had gym with Kyle before this, what happened? Why is he mad? Is he okay? Did you see anything that might of hurt him?!" Tyler kept asking questions that involved Kyle's mood and behavior. I put my hand over him mouth. Yep, he definitely is crushing on Kyle.

"Calm down it was just an argument I think." He looked at me and I took my hand off him mouth.

"You think?" he said. I rolled my eyes at him and nodded.

"Yes, I saw him flip off Jackson and their crew and walked off. Then in the locker room Jackson slammed his locker and yelled at everyone because he was angry. Before you ask, no, I don't know what the argument is about because I don't stalk him like you do." He smiled innocently at my last statement and shrugged.

"I call it admiring from a far," he said. I laughed and he joined in a few seconds later.

"You're an idiot," I stated. He shrugged at me again.

"Hey, you're the one who chooses to hang out with an idiot," he said. I smiled at him. I don't know why I wasn't friends with him before, he can cheer me up instantly. Mrs. Ryan came into the class room, late as usual, and started passing out worksheets. I looked at it and saw it was a really simple multiple choice practice sheet.

"This is simple, I'll just do it at home," Tyler said and put it in his binder. I did the same and I saw him turn to me with a look of realization on his face. I raised an eyebrow at him, waiting for him to explain. "Oh! I almost forgot, I bought the tickets to the game after lunch today. They said they'll have one of the football players give them to me during sixth period." I nodded my head and looked around the room. The only football player in here is. . . I smirked when I realized who it was. Oh, this will be good. He looked at me confused and tilted his head to the side.

"Why are you smirking? Did I do something?" He asked. I shook my head no and he was about to ask me something again until a certain someone interrupted us.

"Hey, Tyler." Tyler looked up and saw Kyle standing there. He looked to be in a better mood than before. Tyler instantly started blushing and he started stuttering. Awe, he's so embarrassed, maybe I should help him out? No, this is too funny.

"Oh h-hey K-kyle. What a-are you doing?" Tyler asked. Kyle raised a eyebrow at his stuttering and I wanted to laugh at him right now.

"Uh, I was told to give you these tickets?" Kyle said and handed him an envelope. Tyler instantly got excited and grabbed the envelope.

"Oh right! Thanks!" Tyler said happily. Kyle laughed at his sudden mood change, causing Tyler to blush again.

"You're welcome. I guess I'll see you at the game?" Kyle asked. Tyler looked at him, seeming to be lost staring at his eyes. He quickly snapped out of his little trance and nodded his head. Kyle laughed a little before walking back to his seat. I started laughing while Tyler face palmed himself.

"Welcome back to reality. Did you have fun getting lost in Kyle's eyes?" I said. He glared at me and punched my arm. It wasn't hard or anything and that only made me laugh harder.

"It's not funny! I just embarrassed myself in front of him!" Tyler cried in embarrassment. Once I calmed down from laughing I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Calm down, he probably thought it was cute," I said. His eyes lit up and he smiled wildly.

"Really?!" he said happily. But it quickly went to sadness and he shook his head. "Why would he think it was cute when he's straight? Ugh, I hate crushing on straight guys!" Tyler cried and slammed his head down on the desk. "Ow! Why did I do that?" Tyler asked and rubbed his forehead. I smiled at him trying to calm him down.

"You never know, he might like you. Now stop making yourself miserable and forget about it for now. Be happy that we're going to the football game!" I said trying to get him back to his normal self. He smiled at me and nodded.

"You're right, we're going to have fun tonight whether you really want to go or not!" Tyler said just as the bell rang. I laughed and nodded at him. I'm happy that Tyler stopped making himself sad, but I keep getting a feeling that something's going to happen at the game tonight.

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